Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
FY 2023 Exemption & Sole Source Notices and Awards
Posted on Feb 28, 2023 in Uncategorized2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Posted Date | Exemption No. | Status | Vendor Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
06/16/2023 |
JE23-71 |
To acquire the professional services of Alert Alarm Hawaii to provide equipment and services for the development of the Judiciary Home Alarm Package for Judiciary employees who have been evaluated at an elevated risk of targeted violence at their residence as a result of their official duties. |
Not to exceed $24,066.31 |
05/17/2023 |
JE23-69 |
Develop interpreter skills training curriculum for interpreters in Chuukese, Marshallese, and llokano based on ACEBO, an existing, highly effective court interpreter training program in English and non-English languages |
$64,905 |
05/10/2023 |
JE23-68 |
To repair the trolley mechanism to allow window washers to clean the windows at District Court. |
$18,011.00 |
05/09/2023 |
JE23-67 |
To finalize the duress button system at Hale Hilina’i |
$16,814.52 |
05/05/2023 |
JE23-66 |
Purchase and Install 2 Pre-Coolers on the 11th Floor at Kauikeaouli Hale to replace the existing non-functioning pre-coolers. |
NTE $600,000.00 |
05/02/2023 |
JE23-65 |
Purchase and Install UV ballast and emitters in all Air Handler Units and Fan Coil Units at Kauikeauole Hale |
$942,500.00 |
05/02/2023 |
JE23-64 |
Purchase and install UV ballast and emitters in all Air Handler Units and Fan Coil Units at Ka`ahumanu Hale to improve air quality and health and safety of employees |
$177,000.00 |
04/26/2023 |
JE23-63 |
One year maintenance for our access control system located at the Kauai Judicial Complex |
$55,675.37 |
04/17/2023 |
JE23-62 |
Servicing our emergency generator at Kauikeaouli Hale. Annual and Quarterly Inspections to keep them in readiness condition. Onan sn: C800480768 |
$ 4,584.09 |
04/17/2023 |
JE23-61 |
Provide maintenance service for the Automatic Court Documentation System located in all eight (8) courtrooms within the Hoapili Hale Complex. |
$15,411.00 plus tax |
04/04/2023 |
JE23-60 |
Self-directed learning library content for 2,000 users compatible with and able to seamlessly integrate with the Judiciary’s current Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. learning management system for training tracking and recordkeeping purposes. |
$69,109.92 |
03/22/2023 |
JE23-59 |
Intercom equipment to upgrade our current, outdated analog system that has been problematic with failing cameras. Equipment to be installed on both 1st & 2nd floors to the main entrances to the secured hallways & for each chamber office door in the Kauai Judicial Complex. |
$81,477.90 |
03/21/2023 |
JE23-58 |
Provide, install, and configure three DVRs with power supply and rackmount rail kit in the Hilo Courthouse |
$47,518.06 |
03/10/2023 |
JE23-57 |
To acquire the services of an environmental contractor, specifically EnvironMETeo Services (EMET), to perform lead-based paint investigation and testing throughout the Supreme Court Building, Ali’iolani Hale, in order to properly and safely install an Integrated Security Camera Surveillance and Recording System. |
$3,068.06 |
03/09/2023 |
JE23-56 |
FTR Gold Recording Suite 7. Annual renewal of District Court 16 courtrooms recording system software licenses for FTR Gold Recording Suite 7. Necessary for electronic recording of courtroom proceedings. |
$32,670.14 |
03/08/2023 |
JE23-55 |
FTR Gold Recording Suite 7. Annual renewal of Circuit Court 25 each courtroom recording system software licenses for FTR Gold Recording Suite 7 that is necessary for electronic recording of courtroom proceedings. |
$51,407.10 (Year 2) |
03/03/2023 |
JE23-54 |
Employee relations incident tracking and investigations software |
$15,000.00 (Second year) |
02/28/2023 |
JE23-53 |
Provides services to maintain the fire alarm equipment to adequately sustain the court operations at Lahaina District Court. |
$25,709.00 plus tax |
02/28/2023 |
JE23-52 |
Replace detention lock at the Hilo Courthouse cellblock, including one round trip airfare |
$6,214.87 |
02/23/2023 |
JE23-51 |
To purchase food and/or food related items for Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter on a as need basis |
Times Super Market $3,000.00 |
02/13/2023 |
JE23-50 |
Web Scribble is the third party vendor that provides job board software used by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) to post Social Work job openings on their website. |
$11,000.00 |
02/10/2023 |
JE23-49 |
Replace three failed security cameras at Keahuolu Courthouse: Secure Elevator 2; Lobby; and Parking lot. Plus: Lift rental, and two spare cameras. |
$18,715.10 |
02/09/2023 |
JE23-48 |
Repair secure prisoner elevators in Hilo Courthouse. |
$14,667.17 |
12/22/2022 |
JE23-47 |
A database system for the Adult Client Services Branch Women’s Court. The database system will provide statistics and outcomes from the Women’s Court. |
$2,500.00 |
12/07/2022 |
JE23-46 |
The Hawaii Pacific Branch (Ho’omaluhia) of the Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT) |
To develop a screening battery to assess the women in the areas of concern (trauma, psychological functioning, substance abuse/use, attitudes, and behaviors) that are involved with the women who enter this program. In addition, the battery will assess the factors that are deemed necessary for the women to complete the interventions, avoid recidivism, and reduce their symptomology and trauma. Analyzes will be provided to the court. |
$30,000.00 |
12/06/2022 |
JE23-45 |
Provide Government Pricing for Microsoft Exchange products: Exchange Online Plan 1 for GCC Exchange Online Plan 2 for GCC Office 365 GCC G1 Defender for Office 365 Plan 1 for GCC Azure AD Premium Plan 1 for Government (for MFA) Provide Consultation Services for Microsoft Exchange products. Provide Onsite and Remote Support for Daily Operations as needed |
Not to exceed $320,000 |
12/01/2022 |
JE23-44 |
Process evaluation of the Driving While Impaired (DWI) Court Program to review the operations of the Program and assess the extent to which the Program follows the basic components of an effective treatment court and is implementing research-based best practices. |
NTE $71,510.0 |
11/29/2022 |
JE23-43 |
Repair and maintenance service contract for the air conditioning computerized system which covers the Automated Logic’s WebCTRL System at Ka’ahumanu Hale. |
$7,979.05 |
12/09/2022 |
JE23-42 |
Produce (food) items for the Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter. |
$2,000.00 |
12/09/2022 |
JE23-41 |
Dairy items for the Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter. |
$3,000.00 |
12/09/2022 |
JE23-40 |
Chilled and Frozen items for the Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter. |
$7,000.00 |
12/09/2022 |
JE23-39 |
Dry and canned goods for the Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter. |
$7,000.00 |
11/23/2022 |
JE23-38 |
Supervised Child Visitation/Exchange for families experiencing domestic violence on Oahu with a secure visitation center. |
$111,111.00 |
11/23/2022 |
JE23-37 |
Air conditioner mechanical repairs at Kona Courthouse: Repair chill water line insulation, Replace rear bearings and Replace UV Lamp |
$33,132.98 |
11/09/2022 |
JE23-36 |
Consultant services for the Judiciary regarding Family Court matters during the 2023 Hawaii legislative session. |
NTE $20,000 |
10/13/2022 |
JE23-35 |
To provide an alternative drug testing practice, aside from the usual urine drug testing practice. This virtual oral drug testing program will better serve the Adult Client Service Branch (ACSB) clients who face barriers to in-person drug testing. |
Total Amount $6,250
10/04/2022 |
JE23-34 |
To provide maintenance services for the video surveillance, access control, duress, and keyboard alert systems at Second Circuit. |
$29,340.44 (tax included) |
09/29/2022 |
JE23-33 |
Hale Kaulike’s labor and material to perform Eddy Current Testing on the evaporator tubes for Chillers #1 & #2 at Hale Kaulike. Remove evaporator heads and brush tubes. Perform eddy current testing. Replace head gaskets. |
$6,654.00 |
10/12/2022 |
JE23-32 |
CANCELLED | Contracting with a drug tester at a substance abuse treatment facility to conduct drug testing for Adult Client Services Branch (ACSB) clients in the evenings and after hours for clients who are employed and unable to report for drug testing during normal testing hours. |
Total Amount $74,000
8/1/2023-CC1 Fiscal confirmed ATS was not able to provide services | |
09/20/2022 |
JE23-31 |
Remove failed zone quality sensors and t-stat. Replace with new zone quality sensors and t-stat. Check new devices for proper function at Keahuolu Judiciary complex |
$6,498.94 |
09/15/2022 |
JE23-30 |
To acquire the professional services of a consultant to examine and provide recommendations to the State of Hawaii Judiciary to better prepare the organization for the creation and future partnering with the new Hawaii Department of Law Enforcement. |
Not to exceed $142,000.00 |
09/09/2022 |
JE23-29 |
The following consultant conducts specialized forensic interviews and consultations at the request of the Children’s Justice Centers of Hawaii, statewide. This consultant shall provide ongoing training and consultation to CJC staff and professionals of cooperating agencies in the area of child maltreatment. It will also include travel between islands when CJC Forensic Interview Specialists are not available. |
$4,000.00 |
08/26/2022 |
JE23-28 |
Maintenance and updates for the Metasys system controlling the ventilation and air conditioning machinery at Keahuolu Kona Courthouse. |
$61,375.89 |
08/26/2022 |
JE23-27 |
Maintenance of the mechanical portions of the ventilation and air conditioning system at Keahuolu Kona Courthouse. |
$152,706.75 |
08/17/2022 |
JE23-26 |
One (1) year extended warranty, preventative maintenance & support agreement for court documentation system located at the Kauai County Fifth Judicial Circuit in Lihue. |
$58,738.00 (tax not included) |
08/12/2022 |
JE23-25 |
Install one AIPhone door station and two user stations for front door of data center at Kauikeaouli Hale |
$16,082.32 |
09/06/2022 |
JE23-24 |
Construction administration contract to oversee and manage the construction of two projects at Ka`ahumanu Hale. The projects to be administered are the roofing repairs on the 4th floor roof and the changing out of the cooling towers which are past their lifespan. |
$45,000.00 |
08/03/2022 |
JE23-23 |
Replace motor for Chilled Water Pump 3 at Keahuolu Courthouse |
$7,097.38 |
08/02/2022 |
JE23-22 |
A database system for the Adult Client Services Branch Specialty Courts (Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Courts). The database system will provide statistics and outcomes from the Specialty Courts. |
$8,800.00 |
07/18/2022 |
JE23-21 |
Hawaii elevator safety standards require elevator emergency lights and alarm bells be operable on emergency power. All seven Hale Kaulike elevators require their emergency batteries be replaced. |
$7,150.70 |
07/08/2022 |
JE23-20 |
To provide one (1) year-round preventive maintenance servicing to emergency generator at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$8,241.92 |
06/09/2022 |
JE23-19 |
Enhance ACSB drug testing practices by piloting a virtual oral drug testing program to better serve ACSB clients who face barriers to in-person drug testing |
Total amount: $128,710
05/18/2022 |
JE23-18 |
Maintenance services for the Kaahumanu Hale cameras, servers, access systems and other security systems. |
$25,853.45 |
05/18/2022 |
JE23-17 |
Maintenance services for the District Court’s cameras, access systems and other security systems |
$41,934.61 |
05/18/2022 |
JE23-16 |
Maintenance services for the Kapolei Court Complex cameras, servers, access systems and other security systems. |
$168,434.88 |
05/10/2022 |
JE23-15 |
Upgrade of Direct Digital Controls for Air Conditioning and Ventilation system at Kauikeaouli Hale. |
$7,539.26 |
05/10/2022 |
JE23-14 |
Maintenance contract for JAVS (Justice AV Solutions) courtrooms at Ronald T.Y. Moon Courthouse in Kapolei. Provides for troubleshooting, repair, maintenance, and regular servicing of the courtrooms’ electronic recording system |
$126,865.92 including tax |
05/05/2022 |
JE23-13 |
Intercom system to replace outdated analog system for all chambers to provide added level of security for Judges and staff located in court chambers with one year warranty included upon completion of installation. Annual maintenance contract to be purchases after warranty expires. |
$60,267.60 |
05/04/2022 |
JE23-12 |
To provide the monitoring and controlling of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HAVC) system through automation logic for Kapolei Judiciary Complex. |
$29,587.70 |
05/04/2022 |
JE23-11 |
Surveillance system to upgrade/replace obsolete security cameras with one year warranty included upon completion of the installation. Annual maintenance contract to be purchased after warranty expires. |
$355,082.65 |
04/27/2022 |
JE23-10 |
Provide annual maintenance services for the fire alarm system to adequately sustain the court operations at Hoapili Hale |
$7,897.00 plus tax |
04/21/2022 |
JE23-09 |
Provide equipment maintenance on L-3 band court facility check point security equipment, including x-ray and walk-thru units at Hoapili Hale |
$18,600.00 plus tax |
04/21/2022 |
JE23-08 |
Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and Inspection of all Related Fire Equipment located at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$29,587.70 |
04/07/2022 |
JE23-07 |
The following consultant conduct specialized forensic interviews and consultations at the request of the Children’s Justice Centers of Hawaii, statewide. |
$4,000.00 |
03/11/2022 |
JE23-06 |
Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and Inspection of all Related Fire Equipment at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$3,919.37 |
03/08/2022 |
JE23-05 |
One (1) year contract with Astrophysics Inc. for maintaining the court facility check point security x-ray screening machines equipment located at First Circuit Court/Family Court (Kapolei Judicial Complex). |
$12,676.50 |
03/08/2022 |
JE23-04 |
One (1) year maintenance contract maintaining the court facility check point security x-ray screening machines equipment located at District of the First Circuit Court and Rural Courts. |
$21,127.50 |
03/11/2022 |
JE23-03 |
Twelve (12) month contract with Astrophysics Inc. for maintaining the court facility check point security x-ray screening machines equipment located at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$8,451.00 |
01/20/2022 |
JE23-02 |
The following consultants conduct specialized forensic interviews and consultations at the request of the two (2) Children’s Justice Centers, CJC of West Hawaii and CJC of Oahu. |
$7,000.00 |
01/12/2022 |
JE23-01 |
FY 2023 Indigent Legal Assistance Fund (ILAF) administrator |
Estimated $50,000.00 |
*No 7-day posting required for software maintenance which is approved for sole source per Sec 3-122-81 HAR
Amendment to Exemption Notices and Awards
Posted Date |
Status | Provider Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
06/23/2023 | JAE23-24 | Holly Mikkelson, CT, FCCI |
Develop interpreter skills training curriculum for interpreters in Chuukese, Marshallese, and Ilokano based on ACEBO, an existing, highly effective court interpreter training program in English and non-English languages |
$83,061 |
Adding additional $20,000 | |
06/20/2023 | JAE23-23 | Island Signal and Sound, Inc. |
Monitoring & Inspection of Fire Alarm System and all related fire equipment at the Kapolei Judiciary Complex. |
$44,492.44 |
Adding additional $13,844.38 | |
05/31/2023 | JAE23-22 | Jensen Hughes, Inc. |
To acquire the professional services of a consultant to examine and provide recommendations to the State of Hawaii Judiciary to better prepare the organization for the creation and future partnering with the new Hawaii Department of Law Enforcement. |
$0 |
No Cost Extension | |
05/30/2023 | JAE23-21 | Otis Elevator Company |
Five (5) year maintenance contract which covers the elevators located at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
Amended adjusted FY 2023 $130,987.39 and FY 2024 $92,826.96 |
05/30/2023 | JAE23-20 | TK Elevator Corporation |
Five (5) year maintenance contract which covers the nine (9) elevators located at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
Amended adjusted total sum $528,242.75 |
2nd year: $102,684.00 3rd year: $105,765.00 4th year: $108,938.00 5th year: $111,162.75 |
4/18/2023 | JAE23-19 | Oahu Air Conditioning Service, Inc. |
Replacement of twin cooling towers and related components at Ka`ahumanu Hale |
Adjusted lump sum of $766,500.00 |
Adding additional $22,785 | |
3/24/2023 | JAE23-18 | Phoenix Pacific Inc. |
Monitoring and preventive maintenance to fire detection and alarm system at Kauikeaouli Hale |
Year 2 – $11,590.19 Year 3 – $12,111.75 Total: $23,701.94 |
Term of existing contract 7/1/2020 – 6/30/2023 | |
3/16/2023 | JAE23-17 | Oahu Air Conditioning Service, Inc. |
Replacement of twin cooling towers and related components at Ka`ahumanu Hale |
Contract amount $743,715.00 to remain the same |
No Cost Extension | |
3/1/2023 | JAE23-16 | Faye T. Kimura. Esq. |
Coordinates and monitors the Judiciary’s Court Improvement Program (CIP) federal grant. |
$55,000.00 |
2/23/2023 | JAE23-15 | Meadow Gold Dairies Hawaii, LLC |
To provide the Judiciary’s Juvenile Detention Facility at the Ronald T.Y. Moon Judiciary Complex with dairy goods which is necessary for the facility to prepare required meals three times a day for residents and staff. |
$3,000.00 |
2/23/2023 | JAE23-14 | Palama Holdings LLC |
To provide the Judiciary’s Juvenile Detention Facility at the Ronald T.Y. Moon Judiciary Complex with canned and dry goods which is necessary for the facility to prepare required meals three times a day for residents and staff. |
$7,000.00 |
2/16/2023 | JAE23-12 | Palama Holdings, LLC |
Provides the Judiciary’s Juvenile Detention Facility at the Ronald T.Y. Moon Judiciary Complex with chilled and frozen foods which is necessary for the facility to prepare required meals three times a day for residents and staff. |
$4,000.00 |
Contract extension | |
1/27/2023 | JAE23-11 | Island Controls, Inc. |
Repair and maintenance service contract for the air conditioning computerized system which covers the Automated Logic’s WebCTRL System at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$7,979.05 |
Term of contract amended | |
11/29/2022 | JAE23-10 | Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc. |
Data Dashboard creation and customization, training, and technical assistance. We would like to expand and enhance our data collection efforts and develop a data dashboard, which will improve our data analysis capabilities. |
Not to Exceed $32,000.00 |
11/10/2022 | JAE23-09 | Oahu Plumbing and Sheet Metal, Ltd. |
Remove existing degraded AC and ventilation equipment from ceiling spaces in the vicinity of CJs chambers, add new upgraded equipment to penthouse roof level, alter distributuion, replace obsolete controls and make associated alterations to accommodate AC and ventilation improvements. |
$39,498.90 |
11/09/2022 | JAE23-08 | Glen N. Yorimoto |
Proposing to enter into a construction administration contract with Glen Yorimoto to oversee and |
$45,000.00 |
Term of contract amended | |
10/31/2022 | JAE23-07 | Technical Resources Management, LLC DBA: Cordant Health Solutions |
To provide an alternative drug testing practice, aside from the usual urine drug testing practice. A video-observed oral fluid (saliva) drug testing program that allows the ACSB to monitor their client’s compliance with treatment plans and probation conditions. |
$6,300.00 FY23-$3,150 FY24-$3,150 |
Term of contract and amount amended | |
10/18/2022 | JAE23-06 | Cordant Health Solutions |
Piloting a virtual oral drug testing program to better serve ACSB clients who face barriers to in-person drug testing. |
$128,710.00 | Term of contract amended | |
10/10/2022 | JAE23-05 | Glen Yorimoto |
Proposing to enter into a construction administration contract with Glen Yorimoto to oversee and |
$45,000.00 | Term of contract amended | |
09/19/2022 | JAE23-04 | Datagain Inc. |
A database system for the Adult Client Services Branch, Specialty Courts (Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Courts). The database system will provide statistics and outcomes from the Specialty Courts. |
$8,800.00 | Term of contract amended | |
08/30/2022 | JAE23-03 | Cordant Health Solutions |
Piloting a virtual oral drug testing program to better serve ACSB clients who face barriers to in-person drug testing. |
$128,710.00 | Term of contract amended | |
05/24/2022 | JAE23-02 | Carrier Air Conditioning |
Upgrade of Direct Digital Controls for Air Conditioning and Ventilation system at Kauikeaouli Hale. |
$7,539.26 | Term of contract amended | |
05/23/2022 | JAE23-01 | Island Signal and Sound, Inc. |
Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and Inspection of all Related Fire Equipment located at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$30,646.06 | Amended contract price |