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Criminal Justice Research Institute (CJRI)

The Criminal Justice Research Institute (CJRI) was established by Act 179 following a recommendation from the Criminal Pretrial Task Force. The state of Hawaiʻi recognized a need to develop a research organization that could examine all aspects of the criminal justice system in order to help the state connect research and data in a comprehensive way. The criminal justice system is made up of several agencies, organizations, data systems, files, and rules. In order to study the state’s criminal justice system and provide information on trends and evaluation, researchers must find ways to link these sources together. The scope of CJRI’s responsibilities can be found under HRS § 614-2.

CJRI is prioritizing requirements established in law. Act 179 charges CJRI with establishing a “centralized statewide criminal pretrial justice data reporting and collection system” (HRS § 614-3). CJRI is currently engaged in work to fulfill this requirement, which CJRI will use to track and monitor performance indicators of the criminal pretrial system. 

Contact information:

Erin Harbinson, PhD
Director, Criminal Justice Research Institute