Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
FY 2019 Exemption & Sole Source Notices and Awards
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |
Posted Date | Exemption No. | Status | Vendor Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
05/21/2019 |
JE19-69 |
Kofax upgrades to the latest version before the current version. Kofax is currently used to scan all the traffic documents, JUSTIS case documents and Records Management archives. |
$57,617.78 |
05/15/2019 |
JE19-68 |
Purchase Keyboard Alert System for Hoapili Hale from Security Resources Pacific, Inc. |
$17,468.37 (tax included) |
05/03/2019 |
JE19-67 |
Purchase Justice AV Solutions(JAVS) Server 7, Bookshelf 7, Publisher 7 software package to backup and archive court recordings to a central server. Software package is needed to run backup of court recordings from eight (8) courtrooms JAVS recorders during non-business hours. |
$23,437.35 |
05/14/2019 |
JE19-66 |
Services for the Judiciary Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Program Development and Implementation in the First Circuit |
$50,000.00 |
04/24/2019 |
JE19-65 |
Request to purchase food and/or food related items for the two Juvenile Detention Facilities |
$30,000.00 |
04/22/2019 |
JE19-64 |
Provide Maintenance Service for the Automatic Court Documentation System located in all eight (8) courtrooms within the Hoapili Hale complex |
$28,995.00 plus tax |
04/19/2019 |
JE19-63 |
Install an audio/video recording teleconferencing system in Courtroom 3E, Circuit Court Division 1, in the Hilo Judiciary Complex. This request is contingent upon funding availability. |
$84,266.74 |
04/18/2019 |
JE19-62 |
Install an audio/video recording teleconferencing system in Courtroom 3D, Circuit Court Division 2, in the Hilo Judiciary Complex. This request is contingent upon funding availability. |
$84,318.82 |
3/25/2019 |
JE19-61 |
Provide services to maintain video surveillance and fire alarm equipment to adequately sustain the court operations at Lahaina District Court. |
$33,176.00 |
3/12/2019 |
JE19-60 |
Contractor will provide transcription services for the Circuit and District Courts of the Second Circuit. |
NTE $6,000.00 |
3/7/2019 |
JE19-59 |
Procure service to install, configure and migrate data from both Power 7 System (iSeries) and Power 8 System (R/S 6000) to Power 9 System.
$47,225.11 |
3/7/2019 |
JE19-58 |
Replacement of Isolator Springs for Cooling Towers #1, 2, &3 with Associated Improvements at Kauikeaouli Hale |
$16,590.60 |
3/1/2019 |
JE19-57 |
Replacement of Isolator Springs on Cooling Towers #1 & 2 with Associated Improvements at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$27,943.20 |
2/22/2019 |
JE19-56 |
Parents and Children Together, Family Visitation Center – Oahu |
Supervised Child Visitation/Exchange for families experiencing domestic violence on Oahu with a secure visitation center. |
$111,111.00 |
2/7/2019 |
JE19-55 |
Replace assistive listening and wireless microphone subsystems in “For The Record” (FTR) systems in Courtrooms 3D and 3E in the Hilo Judiciary Complex. |
$26,812.87 |
1/4/2019 |
JE19-54 |
Procure services to consult, configure and assist with Judiciary Active Directory migration. |
$ 20,816.75 |
12/26/2018 |
JE19-53 |
Consultant services for the Judiciary regarding Family Court matters during the 2019 Hawaii legislative session. |
Not to exceed $20,000 |
12/11/2018 |
JE19-52 |
Performs replacement of elevator door edges for elevators #5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$34,105.00 plus tax |
11/29/2018 |
JE19-51 |
Replace (2) ea. Carrier Package A/C units at Ewa District Court |
$59,040.70 |
11/28/2018 |
JE19-50 |
CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services |
not to exceed $6,750 contingent upon confirmation of grant funding |
11/14/2018 |
JE19-49 |
Consultant providing services through JUD Contract No. J12221 to advocate for the Judiciary fiscal officers and staff in their dealings with the JIMS vendor as it relates to the account project (incl. General Ledger) and to ensure accuracy of the information produced by the system. With the JIMS vendor (iGate), our QA consultant has provided some measure of continuity during the transition and exchange of accounting system information |
NTE $75,000.00 |
05/15/2019 |
JE19-48 |
Procure service to install, configure and migrate data from existing IBM V7000 and IBM V3700 Storage Area Network (SAN) systems to new IBM V7000 Gen2 and V5030 SANs. |
$ 27,874.33 plus tax |
11/5/2018 |
JE19-47 |
Provide maintenance service for the three (3) service elevators located at the Hoapili Hale complex. |
$91,305.00 plus tax |
10/31/2018 |
JE19-46 |
Service agreement for the air conditioning computer system at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$7,643,98 |
10/3/2018 |
JE19-45 |
Replacement of Secondary Chill Water Pumps at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
Not to exceed $30,000.00 |
9/25/2018 |
JE19-43 |
To purchase a one year service agreement from Security Resources Pacific (SRP) for the Wireless Proximity Access Identification Card System (System) for Ali’iolani Hale and the Kapuaiwa Building. |
$10,540.12 |
10/12/2018 |
JE19-42 |
One (1) year maintenance for the Kauai Judiciary Complex |
$62,853.76 |
9/13/2018 |
JE19-41 |
Conduct a statewide hearing reality assessment to to assist the Hawaii State Judiciary in developing performance measures aimed at meeting the requirements of the Court Improvement Program (CIP) |
$65,000.00 |
8/6/2018 |
JE19-40 |
Maintenance and support services of Kofax and Filenet sofware for the State of Hawaii Judiciary for Records Management Office and JUSTICE. Knowledge of maintenance and support for Kofax and Filenet software must be for Filenet CS5.5 and Filenet P8 versions. |
$8,115.18 |
8/6/2018 |
JE19-39 |
Refurbish/Replacement of components for cooling towers #1 – #4 at Kauikeaouli Hale |
Not to exceed $95,000.00 |
8/6/2018 |
JE19-38 |
Provide monthly and annual maintenance services for the emergency generator system that provides electrical power during a utility power outage at Hoapili Hale. |
$18,037.56 |
8/6/2018 |
JE19-37 |
Lifesize Team 220 – Extended Warranty for five (5) video conferencing systems |
$16,400.94 |
8/2/2018 |
JE19-36 |
Maintenance and support services of Kofax and Filenet sofware for the State of Hawaii Judiciary. Knowledge of maintenance and support for Kofax and Filenet software must be for Filenet CS5.5 and Filenet P8 versions. |
$32,460.72 |
8/27/2018 |
JE19-35 |
Performs replacement of elevator door edges for elevators #1, 2, 3 & 4 at Ka’ahumanu Hale |
$ 28,511.78 |
7/17/2018 |
JE19-34 |
One (1) year Remote Technical Services maintenance agreement for all nine (9) CJC Hawaii systems island wide. |
$7,417.80 plus applicable taxes |
7/2/2018 |
JE19-33 |
Security Resources Pacific, Inc.
To provide maintenance services for the access control, duress and video surveillance systems for an additional year |
$29,535.23 (tax included) |
06/29/2018 |
JE19-32 |
One year service agreement for Hilo Judiciary Complex’ three x-ray scanners. |
$12,957 tax included |
6/22/2018 |
JE19-30 |
To maintain L-3 brand court facility Check Point Security Equipment, including X-ray and Walk-thru units at various Judiciary locations |
Est $141,100 (plus applicable taxes |
7/11/2018 |
JE19-29 |
Elevator maintenance for the Kapuaiwa building |
$32,135.40 | |||
6/1/2018 |
JE19-28 |
Additional cameras for the Kapolei Judiciary Complex, Access Security systems |
NTE $68,000 | |||
5/23/2018 |
JE19-27 |
Purchased two-way radio (25) for the Detention Facility |
NTE $9,000 | |||
5/18/2018 |
JE19-26 |
Maintenance services for Kauikeaouli Hale, Kaneohe District Court, and Ewa District Court’s access control and security camera systems |
$32,335.30 |
5/18/2018 |
JE19-25 |
Maintenance services for Ka’ahumanu Hale cameras, access systems and other security systems |
$23,140.30 |
5/18/2018 |
JE19-24 |
Monitoring and preventive maintenance to fire detection and alarm system at Kauikeaouli Hale |
$10,758.37 |
5/15/2018 |
JE19-23 |
Maintenance, repair and Support Agreement for the Ronald T.Y Moon judiciary Complex audio/video court recording system. |
$3,495 |
5/10/2018 |
JE19-22 |
Maintenance services for the Kapolei Judiciary Complex cameras. Access systems and other security systems |
$27,118.88 |
5/10/2018 |
JE19-21 |
Ace Records Management | Records storage of legal documents and court reporter video tapes |
$43,500 |
5/15/2018 |
JE19-20 |
JAVS | Maintenance, repair and Support Agreement for the Ronald T.Y Moon judiciary Complex audio/video court recording system. |
$8,559.10 |
5/4/2018 |
JE19-17 |
Various Vendors | Emergency housing for clients and children in the First Circuit Family Drug Court |
Est. $4,000/per vendor |
10/22/2018 |
JE19-16 |
Tammy Mori Brownfield | Consulting services for the Judiciary’s public communication needs and for dealing with media inquiries. |
$15,000 |
4/27/2018 |
JE19-15 |
Hawthorne Pacific Corp | To provide year round preventive maintenance servicing to emergency generator at Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$4,403.13 |
4/26/2018 |
JE19-14 |
Island Signal And Sound, Inc. | Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and Inspection of all Related Fire Equipment Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$17,682.72 |
4/26/2018 |
JE19-13 |
University of Hawaii-William S. Richardson School of Law Office | To collect and analysis data related to Oahu Child Welfare Mediation Program(OCWMP), Zero To Three (ZTT) Specialty Court, Permanency Court, foster Youth Orientation, Hawaii Voluntary Care to Age 21(1mua Kakua), Evaluation of Parents Counsel, and other projects as may be identified and mutually agreed to at a later date as written in the CIP Strategic Plan. |
NTE $35,000 |
4/25/2018 |
JE19-12 |
Faye Kimura | Coordinate activities and monitor the Court Improvement Program (CIP) Basic, Training, and Data Grant. Coordinated implementation of the CIP Plan. |
NTE $55,000 |
4/20/2018 |
JE19-11 |
Security Resources Pacific, Inc. | Change of locking system for cellblock in Ka’ahumanu |
NTE $300,000 |
4/19/2018 |
JE19-10 |
Johnson Controls, Inc. | To provide the monitoring and controlling of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system through automation logic for Kapolei Judiciary Complex |
$26,544.50 |
4/17/2018 |
JE19-09 |
Security Resources Pacific, Inc | To install cameras at Wahiawa DC |
NTE $15,800 |
4/17/2018 |
JE19-08 |
Security Resources Pacific, Inc | To install cameras and one more access control door at Ewa DC |
NTE $10,000 |
3/21/2018 |
JE19-07 |
Valerie J. Grab | To provide Guardian Ad Litem and/or legal Services on behalf of children and parents who are parties in Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 587 proceedings; youngsters in Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 571 proceedings; and other miscellaneous hearings which are heard in the Family Courts. |
Payment in accordance with amount and type of assigned cases (see attached pay schedule) |
3/19/2018 |
JE19-06 |
Business Solutions Technologies, Inc. | To provide production support and updates and fixes; necessary to deal with the day-to-day issues of both hardware and software used in running the Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS). |
$117,277.44 |
3/19/2018 |
JE19-05 |
Hawaii Justice Foundation | To serve as the Indigent Legal Assistance Fund (ILAF) administrator responsible for administering grants to providers of civil legal services for indigents. |
Estimated $50,000.00 |
3/19/2018 |
JE19-04 |
Catholic Charities Hawaii | To provides specialized treatment services for sexually reactive children/youth and their families. |
$5,000.00 |
3/27/2018 |
JE19-03 |
Capgemini America Inc. | To extend master contract J12282 for State of Hawaii Judiciary Circuit Court/District Court Civil Project |
$1,326,460.00 |
2/19/2018 |
JE19-02 |
Various CJC Consultants | The following consultants conduct specialized forensic interviews and consultations at the request of the 5 Children’s Justice Centers, CJC of East Hawaii, CUC of West Hawaii, CJC of Maui, CJC of Kauai and CJC of Oahu. These consultants provide ongoing training and consultation to CJC staff and professionals of cooperating agencies in the areas of child maltreatments, with a focus on child sexual abuse. |
$29,500.00 |
2/19/2018 |
JE19-01 |
Johnson Controls, Inc. | Vendor provides annual maintenance services for the fire alarm system to adequately sustain the court operations at Hoapili Hale. |
$6,885.00 + tax |
*No 7-day posting required for software maintenance which is approved for sole source per Sec 3-122-81 HAR
Amendment to Exemption Notices and Awards
Posted Date |
Amended |
Approval Date | Provider Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
09/13/2022 | JAE19-11 | National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges(NCJFCJ) |
NCJFCJ will continue to provide on going Technical Assistance, Training, Hearing Quality Assessment, and Facilitate work group meetings. |
$65,000.00 | ||
09/06/2022 | JAE19-10 | Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. |
CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services |
NTE $10,800.00 | ||
09/22/2021 | JAE19-09 | National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) |
Conduct a statewide hearing quality assessment to assist the Hawaii State Judiciary in developing performance measures aimed at meeting the requirements of the Court Improvement Program (CIP). |
$65,000.00 | ||
09/20/2021 | JAE19-08 | Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. |
CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services |
NTE $9,000 | ||
09/17/2020 |
JAE19-07 |
CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services |
NTE $9,000.00 | |||
08/26/2020 |
JAE19-06 |
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) |
To conduct a statewide hearing quality assessment to assist the Hawaii State Judiciary in developing performance measures aimed at meeting the requirements of the Court Improvement Program (CIP). |
$65,000.00 | ||
04/17/2020 |
JAE19-05 |
04/27/2020 | Contract for services for the Judiciary Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Services in the First Circuit and Program Development and Implementation in the Second Circuit. | $95,055.00 | ||
09/18/2019 |
JAE19-04 |
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFC) |
To conduct a statewide hearing quality assessment to assist the Hawaii State Judiciary in developing performance measures aimed at meeting the requirements of the Court Improvement Program (CIP). NCJFCJ has completed an assessments; implementation; surveys; and trainings to the Enhanced Resource Guidelines. Presently, NCJFCJ will continue to provide on going Technical Assistance, Training, Hearing Quality Assessment and Facilitate a work group meeting. | $65,000.00 | ||
09/18/2019 |
JAE19-03 |
CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services | NTE $8,100.00 | |||
1/10/2019 |
JAE19-02 |
Provide specialized treatment services for sexually reactive children/youth and their families | $5,000.00 | |||
10/24/2018 |
JAE19-01 |
Consulting services for the Judiciary’s public communication needs and for dealing with media inquiries. | $15,000.00 |