Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Fiscal Year 2013 Exemptions from Chapter 103 and Sole Source and Awards
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FY 2013 Exemption Notices and Awards
Exempt No. | Posted Date | Approval Date | Vendor Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
JE13-70 | 06/28/13 | 7/5/13 | L-3 Communications Security & Detection Systems for maintaining their L-3 brand court facility Check Point Security Equipment, including X-ray and Walk-thru units. |
Est. $50,000 statewide |
JE13-69 | 06/20/13 | 6/27/13 | Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc. | Upgrade the existing Enterprise Server S-series operating system from version 1.9 to 1.11. Upgrade necessary to prepare for Contractor is the lessor of the current Z-series operating system used by Judiciary. | $25,000 | |
JE13-68 | 06//20/13 | 6/27/13 | ICRD Childrens Justice Center of Hawaii | Consultants to provide specialized forensic inerviews and provide training to staff & professionals | $42,500.00 | |
JE13-67 | 06/18/13 | 6/26/13 | Various Vendors, Exemption Form | Emergency Housing | $4,000.00 for each vendor | Various vendors at est. $4,000 each for 11 vendors |
JE13-66 | 06/19/13 | 6/27/13 | Hawaii Justice Foundation | Judiciary may contract Indigent Legal Assistance Fund to administer grants to providers of civil legal services gor indegents | $50,000 | |
JE13-61 | 6/4/13 | 6/24/13 | Honeywell | Maintain video surveillance at Lahaina District Court. | $28,020.00 | |
JE13-60 | 5/24/13 | 6/3/13 | National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges | Complete strategic plan for Family Courts statewide prioritize goals and develop action plans. | $75,000.00 | |
JE13-59 | 5/16/13 | 5/29/13 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems | Maintenance for Court recording systems at Kapolei Court | $127,735 per year | July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017 (4 year s) |
JE13-58 | 5/20/13 | 5/28/13 | UH Law School | Collect & analyze data relating to Oahu Child Mediation Program & Zero to Three. | $25,000.00 | |
JE 13-57 | 5/22/13 | 6/18/13 | EO Integrated Systems, Inc. | Security Surveillance System Upgrade. | $64,800.00 | |
JE 13-56 | 5/17/13 | 6/3/13 | Queen’s Medical Center Day Treatment Services | Substance Abuse Day Treatment Services for Adult Client Services, First Circuit Court to include outpatient treatment (readiness), intensive outpatient treatment, day treatment services and continuing care. | $15,000.00 | |
JE 13-55 | 5/17/13 | 6/3/13 | Po`ailani | Substance Abuse Day Treatment Services for Adult Client Services, First Circuit Court to include outpatient treatment (readiness), intensive outpatient treatment, day treatment services and continuing care. | $24,600.00 | |
JE13-50 | 5/10/13 | 5/17/13 | Justice Systems Corporation | Maintenance of Security System for Kapolei Court and Detention Home. | $163,380 | |
JE13-48 | 5/8/13 | 5/17/13 | Business Solutions Technologies | Production support to deal withhardware & software issues for Human Resource Management System. | $60,157.04 | |
JE13-47 | 5/8/13 | 5/17/13 | JAVs & AVCO | upgrade courtrooms with direct telephone connection to existing PA systems in the 1st, 2nd, & 5th Circuits. | $50,621.00 | |
JE 13-46 | 4/25/2013 | 5/3/2013 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems | Replace MSI digital video recorders in 5 courtrooms. | $37,240.00 | |
JE 13-44 | 4/30/13 | 5/8/2013 | Otis Elevator Company | The installation of a proximity access reader in the Kapuaiwa Building elevator to prevent unauthorized access to the second floor. This is part of the project to secure entry to the second floor of Kapuaiwa Building. | $9,034.00 | |
JE 13-43 | 4/30/13 | 5/8/2013 | Security Resources | The purchase and installation of security equipment to prevent unauthorized access to the diamond head staircase of the Kapuaiwa Building. | $19,199.60 | |
JE13-41 | 4/17/13 | 4/25/13 | National Center for State Courts | Conduct security assessment of Hoapili Hale | $21,750.00 | |
JE13-40 | 4/16/13 | 4/25/13 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems | Provide maintenance for the 8 court documentation systems in Hoapili Hale. | $17,146.00 + tax | |
JE13-39 | 4/11/13 | 4/29/13 | Okamoto Consulting Group, Inc. | Data Collection and Performance Measures Services for the Juvenile Drug Court program with consultative services. | $65,000 | This is for a federal grant application. A contract may result if the grant is awarded to the Judiciary. |
JE13-38 | 4/11/13 | 4/29/13 | Dr. Steven Choy | Psychological Services for Juvenile Drug Court clients including evaluations, assessments, and consultative services. Services to be provided by a licensed psychologist. | $19,999 | This is for a federal grant application. A contract may result if the grant is awarded to the Judiciary. |
JE 13-37 | 4/11/13 | 4/29/13 | Coalition for a Drug Free Hawaii | Family Therapy Services for Juvenile Drug Court clients including evaluations, therapy, and consultative services. Services to be provided by a licensed psychologist and/or post doctoral intern under the supervision of the licensed psychologist. | $115,000 | This is for a federal grant application. A contract may result if the grant is awarded to the Judiciary. |
JE 13-36 | 04/09/13 | 5/17/13 | Veracity Consulting, Inc. dba Veracity Solutions | System Administration and Database Administration for the Judiciary Information Management System (JIMS) that may include consultation, assessments, installation, configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting. Extend J09040 07/01/13 to 01/31/14. | $877,000.00 | The continuation of these services are essential to be performed while an RFP is being drafted and solicited for a possible new consultant. |
JE13-35 | 03/21/13 | 4/29/13 | Salvation Army Family Treatment Services; and Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center | Treatment Services for Family Drug Court clients including Drug and Alcohol treatment evaluations, therapy, Parent Coaching, therapeutic nursery and consultative services. Same Serviceds as provided on existing contracts J12098 for SAFTS, and J12111 for WCCHC. Providers to be named in a pending Federal Grant application. | To be determined | |
JE-13-34 | 2/14/13 | N/A | Catholic Charities | Psychosexual Assessments for juveniles | $8,000.00 | Exemption from 103F |
JE-13-33 | 01/31/13 | 2/14/13 | Aloha House | Psychological Services for Maui Drug Court clients including evaluations, therapy, and consultative services. | $69,560.00 | |
JE13-32 | 12/31/12 | 1/9/13 | Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc. | Mo. to mo. extension of existing IBM mainframe lse J08160. | $80,819.00 | |
JE13-31 | 12/28/12 | 1/17/13 | Century Computers, Inc. dba Pacxa | Imaging System Maint and Support Agreement for JIMS Document Imaging component (KOFAX & Filenet) | $16,000.00 | |
JE13-30 | 12/28/12 | see JE-24 | Municipal Services Bureau | Collection of delinquent accounts owed to the Judiciary | $0.00 | |
JE13-29 | 12/26/12 | 1/4/13 | Judge Frances Wong | Consultant to Family Court for 2013 Legislative session. | $15,000.00 | |
JE13-28 | 12/05/12 | N/A |
West, A Thompson Reuters Business
Westlaw contract for 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Circuit court users. |
Procurement is exempt from 103D per 103D-102(b)(4)(C).
JE13-27 | 11/28/12 | 6/26/12 | John Knox & Associates | Evaluation of the Veterans Treatment Court | $9,200.00 | |
JE13-26 | 11/28/12 | 12/6/12 | Oahu Air Conidtioning Service Inc. | Extend A/C maintenance contract to include water treatment and elevator maintenance | $27,627.27 | |
JE13-25 | 11/19/12 | 11/27/12 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems, Inc. | Maintenaqnce of the JAVS court documentation system including proprietary software & hardware | $12,584.00 | |
JE13-24 | 11/19/12 | 12/3/12 | Municipal Services Bureau | Collection of delinquent accounts owed to the Judiciary | $0.00 | |
JE13-23 | 11/16/12 | 11/16/12 | DAGS, Automotive Management Division |
Lease extension of the 2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid for the Chief Justice.
$800.00/mnth, 36 month term | Approved exemption 103D-102(2)(G) |
JE13-22 | 11/16/12 | 11/27/12 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems, Inc. | Maintenance of the Jefferson Audio Video Systems court documentation system including proprietary software and hardware components for the Fifth Circuit Court. | $35,794.00 plus applicable tax. | |
JE13-21 | 10/25/12 | 11/1/12 | Wirevibe, LLC |
An extension through the 7th Amendment to Master Agreement J08165 with Wirevibe LLC for Technical Consulting Services. |
$30,000.00 | |
JE13-20 | 10/25/12 | 11/1/12 | Ohanasoft, LLC | Extend Contract J12221 for Quality assurance consultant to assist Judiciary in the review and integration of the new JIMS accounting functionality with Oracle general ledger. 11/1/12 to 10/31/13. Contract J12221. | $75,000.00 | |
JE13-19 | 10/16/12 | N/A |
West Publishing
Courts of Appeal access to WestLaw electronic research svcs, eff. 11/1/12 – 10/31/17. 5 yr commitment w/2% increase /yr
$64,692.00 1st yr
Procurement is exempt from 103D per 103D-102(b)(4)(C). |
JE13-18 | 10/15/12 | 10/26/12 | Oahu Air Conditioning Service | Maintenance of A/C systems for various locations on Oahu | $24,993.36 | |
JE13-17 | 10/2/12 | 10/17/12 | Dorvin Leis Co. Inc. | Maintenance of air conditioning system at Kapolei Judicial Complex. | $24,954.00 | |
JE13-12 | 8/2/12 | 9/21/12 | Audio Visual Company | Maintenance of First Circuit Video Conferencing Systems, FTR Digital Court Recording Systems | $25,000.00 | |
JE13-11 | 7/19/12 | 7/30/12 | Family Court | Month to month extension of 2 copiers | $600 per month | |
JE13-10 | 7/10/12 | 7/27/12 | Dorvin Leis Co. lnc. | A/C maintenance for Kapoli Court | $37,431.00 | |
JE13-09 | 7/10/12 | 7/27/12 | Oahu Air Conditioning Service Co. | A/C maintenance for various locations on Oahu. | $37,490.04 | |
JE13-08 | 06/28/12 | 7/9/12 | L-3 Communications Security & Detection Sys. | Maintenance of Check Point Security Equipment (L-3 Communications brand of X-ray and Walk-thru Metal Detector Equipment) from the manufacturer and manufacturer’s authorized service representative for the period 07/01/12 to 06/30/13. Contract No. J11060. | $40,000.00 | |
JE13-07 | 06/22/12 | 6/29/12 | Century Computers, Inc. dba PacXa | Kofax software maint. to support scanning, indexing and storing of electronic document images into the JIMS system. | $30,100.00 | |
JE13-06 | 6/19/12 | 6/29/12 | National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges | Survey | $75,000.00 | |
JE13-05 | 6/15/12 | 5/31/12 | Justice Systems Corp | Maintenance of Electronic security and ID card system at Kapolei Court & Detention Home. | $133,252.00 | |
JE13-04 | 6/15/12 | 6/26/12 | Hawaii Justice Foundation | FY 2013 Indigent Legal Assistance Fund Coordinator. | $25,000.00 | |
JE13-03 | 6/12/12 | 6/26/12 | Ace Records Management | records storage and retrieval services | $32,167.32 | |
JE13-02 | 5/29/12 | 6/15/12 | Various Consultants for Childrens Justice Center | consultants to conduct specialized interviews of alleged victims of child abuse | Varies | |
JE13-01 | 5/7/12 | 5/14/12 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems | provide maintenance for courtrecording systems at Kapolei Court Facility | $127,735.00 |
Amendment to Exemption Notices and Awards
Amended |
Posted Date | Approval Date | Provider Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
JAE 13-11 | 5/13/13 | 5/28/13 | Faye Kimura | Coordinate activities & monitor CIP Grant | $55,000.00 | |
JAE 13-10 | 5/9/13 | 5/17/13 | Honeywell | Maintenance of Security System at Kaahumanu Hale, First Circuit Court | $64,248 + tax | |
JAE13-09 | 02/19/13 | 3/7/13 | University Clinical, Education and Research Associates | To provide management, evaluation and consultation services relating to the Driving While Intoxicated Court Program. Judiciary Contract No. J13117 | $150,445.00 | |
JAE13-08 | 02/13/13 | 2/23/13 | Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc. | Month to month extension of existing IBM mainframe lease J08160, duration nte 01/31/14. Current 5 yr lease ended 01/31/13 and Judiciary working on a cooperative purchase with ICSD for new replacement mainframe computer. Plus One-time annual charges for hardware maint of lease equip., and for hardware maint for Disk & Storage drives. |
$25,551.92/ month plus One-time Charges: $33,622.97, Plus $15192.29 |
Initial Exemption JE13-32 dated 12/31/12 stated incorrect cost of the exemption and requesting program. |
JAE13-07 | 2/8/13 | 2/27/13 | Business Solutions Technologies | provide production support for hardware & software of Human Resources Management System (Peoplesoft) | $60,157.04 | |
JAE13-06 | 8/8/12 | 8/21/12 | Sonitrol of Hawaii Inc. | monitoring & maintenance of access control system at Hoapili Hale | $20,887.20 | |
JAE13-05 | 7/25/12 | 11/9/12 | Jefferson Audio Video Systems | Maintenance of automated court documentation system at Hoapili Hale | $16,761.68 | |
JAE13-04 | 6/20/12 | 6/29/12 | Faye Kimura | CIP Coordinator | $55,000.00 | |
JAE13-03 | 6/21/12 | 7/6/12 | Business Solutions Technologies | provide production support for hardware & software of Human Resources management System (Peioplesoft) | $62,827.20 | |
JAE13-02 | 6/6/12 | 6/25/12 | Haworth, Inc | Pricelist for Acoustical panels, workstations, and related furniture | ||
JAE13-01 | 5/25/12 | 6/14/12 | Anita Awo | Coordinate & facilitate services for Kids First Program | $15,000.00 nte |
Sole Source Notices and Awards*
Sole SourceNo. | Posted Date | Approval Date | Provider Name | Description | Amount | Comments |
JS13-08 | NR; see comments | 2/5/13 | Emerson Network Power | Multi-term Maintenance of Emerson/Asco 7000 Automatic Transfer Switch for 5 year period | $5,800.00 | Per HI Admin Rule 3-122-81 #6, Sole Source is approved and no 7day posting required for maintenance of equipment when manufacturer or its rep must service the equipment to retain manufacturer’s guarantees or warranty. |
JS13-07 | NR; see comments | 10/17/12 | IBM | Maint. Of 8 IBM storage disk drives to 09/24/13. Initial purchase was done through IFB and Contract J07205 with Sirius, + 3 yr warranty. New contract number issued J13126. | $36,000.00 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. These storage units must be maintained by IBM certified technicians. |
JS13-06 | NR; see comments | 09/18/12 | IBM |
Maint. Of IBM system storage units, 09/15/12 to 09/14/13. Initial purchase was done through IFB and Contract J07205 with Sirius, + 3 yr warranty. (Contract J13107 assigned) |
$44,000.00 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. |
JS13-05 | NR; see comments | 09/18/12 | IBM | Software maint for IBM filenet server for period 07/01/12 – 06/30/13. At JIMS, J09109 | $35,000.00 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. |
JS13-04 | NR; see comments | 08/29/12 | IBM | Software maint for IBM passport, 09/01/12 to 08/31/13 | $76,649.16 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR |
JS13-03 | NR; see comments | 08/01/12 | Software AG | Software maintenance, Annual adabas software maintenance,. 1st and 2nd half of FY13, 7/1/12 to 6/30/13. |
$62349.97 $66,000.00 |
No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. |
JS13-02 | NR; see comments | 07/03/12 | Johnson Controls | Servicing of controlling and monitoring thru automation logic of HVAC system at Kapolei Courthouse. | $23,019.29 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. |
JS13-01 |
NR; see comments | 05/25/12 | First Data Government Solutions LP | AccessNet System Maintenance, Platinum Level for the JIMS Interactive Voice Response (IVR) hardware and software 07/01/12 to 06/30/13. J10104 | $17,006.69 | No Posting required for software maint which is approved for sole source per Sec. 3-122-81 HAR. |
*No 7-day posting required for software maintenance which is approved for sole source per Sec 3-122-81 HAR
Amended Sole Source Notices and Awards
Posted Date | Approval Date | Provider Name | Description | Amount | Comments |