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Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.

FY 2025 Exemption and Sole Source Notices and Awards

Posted Date

Exemption No.


Vendor Name







Schindler Elevator Corporation Maintenance of contract which covers (1) elevator at Ali’iolani Hale






Parents and Children Together, Family Visitation Center – Oahu Supervised Child Visitation/Exchanges for families impacted by domestic violence on Oahu with a secure visitation center. Program shall coordinate and provide safe visits for children with their non-custodial parents and facilitates the transfer of children form one parent to another when there are concerns for the physical, emotional, and psychological safety of parents and child survivors of domestic violence.






Mediation Centers of Hawaii, Inc. Mediation and related dispute resolution services for appropriate cases in judicial circuits in the State of Hawaii.






Alert Alarm of Hawaii To provide equipment and services for the development of the Judiciary Home Alarm Package for Judiciary employees who have been evaluated at an elevated risk of targeted violence at their residence as a result of their official duties.

NTE $40,800.00





Oahu Air Conditioning Services, Inc. Remove and replace economizer gaskets to the ventilation and air conditioning system and ensure system is functioning properly.






Technology Integration Group Purchase two (2) LoadBalancers to be installed at the Judiciary’s Servpac Data Center






Ergometrics and Applied Research, Inc.  Administers the IMPACT and IMPACT PROMOTE tests developed by Ergometrics to applicants applying for non-supervisory and supervisory positions at the detention facility that have close/direct contact with juvenile offenders.






The Hawaii Pacific branch (Ho’omaluhia) of the Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT)  To develop a screening battery to assess the women in the areas of concern (trauma, psychological functioning, substance abuse/use, attitudes, and behaviors) that are involved with the women who enter this program. In addition, the battery will assess the factors that are deemed necessary for the women to complete the interventions, avoid recidivism, and reduce their symptomatology and trauma. Analysis will be provided to the court.






Island Signal And Sound, Inc.  Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and Inspection of all Related Fire Equipment at Kapolei Judiciary Complex






Johnson Controls Inc.  To provide monitoring and controlling of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system through automation logic controls for Kapolei Judiciary Complex






Kone, Inc. Renew five (5) year contract with Kone, Inc. for maintenance of two (2) Kone elevators at Abner Paki Hale (Kaneohe District Court)






National Center for State Courts (NCSC) To provide Certified Court Management training courses designed to provide employees with an expansive understanding of court operations and the tools to both recognize and implement national best practices to better support the mission of the Judiciary






Island Signal and Sound, Inc. Monitoring of Fire Alarm System and all Related Fire Equipment at Ka’ahumanu Hale






Various Vendors Request to purchase prepared food and/or food related items for Hale Ho’omalu Juvenile Detention Facility and Home Maluhia Shelter.

FCH Enterprise (aka Zippy’s) – $20,007.00
Pacific Regal Investments (aka Loco Moco) – $4,212.00
Times Supermarket – $3,159.00





Oracle Oracle software maintenance agreement. Allows the technical support services provided under support services number 3239288. PeopleSoft Enterprise Profile (Employee Count Perpetual), PeopleSoft Enterprise EProfile (Manager – Employee Count Perpetual), PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources – (Employee Count Perpetual). Please see contract renewal.






Hawaii Justice Foundation ILAF 2025 Administrator

Estimated $50,000.00















*No 7-day posting required for software maintenance which is approved for sole source per Sec 3-122-81 HAR

Amendment to Exemption Notices and Awards


Posted Date


Approval Date Provider Name Description Amount Comments
01/31/2025 JAE25-12   Cordant Health Solutions

Piloting a virtual oral testing program to better serve ACSB clients who face barriers to in-person testing. 


Amend contract amount

12/23/2024 JAE25-11   Hoike Networks, Inc. dba PACXA

Provide Government Pricing for various Microsoft Exchange Products and Provide Consultation Services for Microsoft Exchange Products. Provide Onsite and Remote Support for Daily Operations as needed.



11/26/2024 JAE25-10 CANCELLED Hoike Networks, Inc. dba PACXA

Provide Government Pricing for various Microsoft Exchange Products and Provide Consultation Services for Microsoft Exchange Products. Provide Onsite and Remote Support for Daily Operations as needed.


SEE JAE25-11

11/08/2024 JAE25-09   Otis Elevator Company

Maintenance contract which covers (1) Dumbwaiter, (6) Escalators, (7) Geared elevators, & (1) Hydraulic elevator located at Kauikeaouli Hale. Additional necessary repairs to replace drive for the public elevator #4.


Amend contract amount

10/29/2024 JAE25-08   Otis Elevator Company

Replacement of obsolete drive in public elevator 1 at Kapolei Judiciary Complex.


Amend contract amount

10/18/2024 JAE25-07   TK Elevator Corporation

Elevator repairs to restore private elevator #3 at Kaahumanu Hale.


Add additional funds

10/14/2025 JAE25-06   Sturdevant Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc.

Replace three (3) air conditioning (AC) units at Lahaina District Court.


Add additional funds

09/26/2024 JAE25-05   Oahu Air Conditioning Service, Inc.

Replace deteriorating Fan Assembly unit AHU 1-2.


Amend amount

08/29/2024 JAE25-04   Cordant Health Solutions 

Piloting a virtual oral drug testing program to better serve ACSB clients who face barriers to in-person drug testing.



08/28/2024 JAE25-03   Hawaii Justice Foundation (HJF)

ILAF 2025 Administrator


Amend contract amount

08/28/2024 JAE25-02   Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc.

CONTINUOUS ALCOHOL MONITORING SERVICES – transdermal 24/7 alcohol monitoring services


Extend contract

Add additional funds

08/28/2024 JAE25-01   Northwest Professional Consortium, Inc.

Process evaluation of the Driving While Impaired (DWI) Court Program to review the operations of the Program and assess the extent to which the Program follows the basic components of an effective treatment court and is implementing research based best practices.


Extend contract

Add additional funds