A public meeting will be held on Nov. 18 at the Kealakehe Elementary School cafeteria at 7:00 p.m. to inform the community about a site selection study for a court... read more
Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Featured News
The Hawaii State Judiciary’s electronic bench warrant system (eBW) was selected by the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government for... read more
On Monday, September 27, 2010, the Hawaii Supreme Court Clerk’s Office will implement the appellate portion of the Judiciary Information Management System and attorneys will be able to file documents... read more
The Judiciary and Hawai`i Information Consortium’s (HIC) joint collaboration, the electronic bench warrants system (eBW), received a 2010 Digital Government Achievement Award from the Center for Digital Government as one... read more
The Hawaii State Senate unanimously confirmed the nominations of Mark E. Recktenwald for Chief Justice and Blaine J. Kobayashi for Maui District Court. Recktenwald succeeds Chief Justice Ronald T.Y. Moon... read more
During a formal ceremony held on August 27, the new Kapolei complex was named the Ronald T. Y. Moon Judiciary Complex, and the courthouse was named the Ronald T. Y.... read more
Letters to the EditorHonolulu Star-Advertiser7 Waterfront Plaza500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210Honolulu, HI 96813 This is in response to the Department of Public Safety’s (PSD) August 19 letter regarding the Judiciary’s... read more
Hawaii Chief Justice Ronald T.Y. Moon has been named the recipient of the Harry L. Carrico Award for Judicial Innovation by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC). The award... read more
In light of the shortage of sheriffs on the Big Island and the Sheriffs Office’s new requirement that unless two officers are available to staff a courthouse none will be... read more
New child support guidelines will take effect on August 29, superseding all prior guidelines and amendments. The amended child support guidelines and interactive worksheets are posted on the Judiciary’s website.... read more