Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Criminal Cases
Lawyer Referral and Information Service
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service is sponsored by the Hawai’i State Bar Association, and is a free service providing names and contact information of attorneys handling criminal cases. While the referral service is free, you will need to make your own fee arrangement with the lawyer.
Phone: (808) 537-9140
If You Cannot Afford an Attorney
If you cannot afford a lawyer, the Office of the Public Defender may be able to represent you. Call the Public Defender’s office on your island:
- O`ahu: (808) 586-2200
- Maui: (808) 984-5018
- Hilo: (808) 974-4571
- West Hawai`i: (808) 373-7562
- Kaua`i: (808) 274-3418
Non-U.S. Citizens
If you are not a United States citizen, be sure to tell your attorney about your immigration status. You may be deported or removed from the United States if you are convicted of certain offenses. Your attorney can explain the immigration consequences.