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Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.

After the Arrest

When an arrest is made, the violator is taken to the police station and held in jail.

Bail for temporary restraining order (TRO) violators is set by the police, and depends on the number of violations, severity of abuse, threats and prior arrests for contempt of court. TRO violators are released within a few hours after bail is paid. If you are attempting to bail someone out, you should check with the police on the bail amount.

When the violators are bailed out of jail, they are informed of their “Arraignment and Plea” (A&P) hearing date. At the A&P hearing, violators can plead guilty and be sentenced, or they can plead not guilty and request a trial. You do not have to be present for the A&P hearing.

At the A&P hearing, the judge will order defendants to turn over firearms to the police.

If violators cannot make bail, they must remain in jail and the A&P hearing will take place when court next convenes. If the violator is not released at the A&P hearing, a trial must be held within 48 hours.

When an arrest is made, the Prosecutor’s Office will automatically become involved because a court order has been violated and the State will press charges against the violator. If you need information or have questions about what to expect, call the Victim/Witness Assistance Division of the Prosecutor’s Office:

  • O`ahu – (808) 768-7401
  • Maui – (808) 270-7695
  • Hawai`i – Hilo: (808) 934-3306 Kona: (808) 322-2552
  • Kaua`i – (808) 241-1898

If an arrest is not made, it is still very important to file a report.