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The Purple Family

The Purple Family

Created for divorcing parents and their children, the Purple Family video provides insight on difficult issues that arise when separation occurs.

In the video, all family members live in a world that is purple, a balanced mixture of red and blue. But as signs of separation appear, husband and wife and all surroundings turn distinctly red or blue.

The video is a key part of O`ahu’s Kids First, a divorce education program of the Family Court. All divorcing parents and their children between the ages of 6 and 18 are required to participate in the program before the divorce will be granted.

The Kids First sessions typically begin with a welcome and explanation of the program’s objectives by a Family Court judge. Parents and children watch the video together. They are then divided into two groups – one for parents, the other for children. An experienced mental health professional guides participants through sessions that include a variety of learning and role-playing activities.

Award of Excellence

In March 2000, the Purple Family video received an Award of Excellence for outstanding external video from the Hawai`i Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.

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