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Parties’ Responsibility to Protect Personal Information

Rule 9. Parties’ Responsibility to Protect Personal Information.

9.1. Prohibition; Form.

(a) Except as provided in this Rule 9 and notwithstanding any other rule to the contrary, a party shall not include personal information in any accessible document filed in any state court or with ADLRO. Required personal information shall be submitted by means of a Confidential Information Form that substantially conforms to HCRR Form 2 of these rules; provided the name and birth date of a minor charged with a traffic infraction may be displayed on the citation and the name of a minor may be displayed in submissions in proceedings under HRS chapter 586 and section 604-10.5. The Confidential Information Form shall be designated confidential, protected, restricted, sealed, or not accessible.

(b) When the identity or age of a non-defendant minor is required to charge a criminal offense or to state a claim, the accessible charging instrument, complaint, information, indictment, or petition shall include the initials and birth year of the minor. When the identity of an account is required to charge a criminal offense or to state a claim, the accessible charging instrument, complaint, information, indictment, or petition may include the last 4 digits of the account number, provided not more than half of the account’s digits are disclosed, as provided by Rule 2.2 of these rules. A full name, birthdate, or account number shall be submitted on a confidential information form in accordance with section (a) of this rule.

HCRR Rule 2.19 defines personal information as follows:

2.2.19. Personal information means social security numbers, dates of birth (except for traffic citations), names of minor children, bank or investment account numbers, medical and health records, and social service reports. To the extent a social security or account number is required in an accessible document, the last 4 digits may be displayed, provided that no more than half of the social security or account digits are disclosed. To the extent a birthdate is required in an accessible document, the birth year may be displayed. Except as provided in Rule 9.1, to the extent the name of a minor is required in an accessible document, the initials of the minor may be displayed. To the extent a complete social security number, account number, birthdate, or name of a minor child is required for adjudication of a case, the complete number or birthdate shall be submitted in accordance with Rule 9.1 of these rules.