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Kauai Drug Court Steps Out to Help Neighbors After the Flood

Posted on May 4, 2018 in Featured News


Kauai Drug Court staff & clients clear debris in Koloa neighborhood after Kauai flood, 04-20-2018.

On April 20, 2018, Kauai Drug Court staff and clients provided much needed assistance to residents of the Koloa neighborhood who were severely impacted by the unprecedented flooding on Kauai.

Kauai Drug Court’s staff and clients ventured out to lend a hand to residents of the Koloa neighborhood, which was heavily damaged by recent flooding on the island’s north shore. “Not many people had heard about the problems in Koloa,” said Martin Steinhaus. “When the Kauai Drug Court learned of the situation, we quickly assembled a team to do an emergency community service project.

“Reintegration into the community and restorative justice are what the Drug Court’s service initiatives are all about,” added Steinhaus, Drug Court Supervisor. “Our clients and staff worked side-by-side with area residents doing much of the heavy lifting. People were surprised and grateful for our assistance. We were just glad we could be there for our neighbors in their time of need.”