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Judiciary’s CADR Office Promotes Hooponopono

Posted on May 17, 2018 in Featured News, News & Reports
Special guests at CADR event with Beadie Dawson.

Beadie Kanahele Dawson (center) is pictured here with, left, Justice James Duffy (ret.), Jill Nunokawa, Lorenn Walker, Jackie Young, Richard “Dick” Mosher and Cecelia Chang.

The Hawaii State Judiciary was honored to have Beadie Kanahele Dawson, a nationally recognized mediator and highly experienced haku hooponopono, share her knowledge about the principles and practices of hooponopono.

The program, Native Hawaiian Peacemaking Concepts, was held on May 1 at the Judiciary History Center Theater, Aliiolani Hale. The highlight of the program was a video about hooponopono featuring Dawson and produced and directed by OLELO Television. Following the video, Dawson answered questions from the audience. The video is now available on the Judiciary’s YouTube channel.

“We hope that this seminar stimulates further conversation among members of the Bar (attorneys) and the public to examine how the concepts and principles of hooponopono can be appropriately incorporated into the practice of law,” said Cecelia C.Y. Chang, director of the Judiciary’s CADR program.


Note: Due to requirements set by the Americans with Disabilities Act, diacritical marks properly used in Hawaiian Language words have been omitted from this article to ensure online compatibility with screen reader programs.