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eCourt Kokua FAQs

1. What does “case status” mean?
2. What is the ID number next to my name?
3. What is the docket?
4. There are a lot of codes that say “TRAVIS.” What is TRAVIS?
5. How do I know if information I find is about the person I’m looking for?
6. How current is the information online?
7. I’m under 18 years of age. Is my traffic record available online?
8. Is eCourt Kokua information considered an official traffic abstract?
9. I don’t want my information on eCourt Kokua. How can I get it removed?
10. What can I do if there are mistakes in my online information?


1. What does “case status” mean?

The “case status” data field shows the current stage of a case.

ACTIVE means the case is ongoing and further action is still pending. The court has not yet made a decision or issued an order or judgment in the case.

INACTIVE means a case is pending, but the court can take no further action until some event restores the case to the active caseload. For example, a case may be inactive because the defendant failed to appear, a bench warrant was issued for the defendant’s arrest, and the case can’t proceed until the defendant is arrested and brought to court.

CLOSEDJ or ADJUDICATED means the case is closed because the case has been dismissed or a judgment has been entered so no further action by the court is required. Although a case is adjudicated, it may not be finally disposed until all outstanding court orders and sanctions are fully complied with by the parties. For instance, there may be an outstanding fine or the need to complete a community service requirement.

CLOSEDS or CASE CLOSED-JUDGMENT SATISFIED means the case is closed because the judgment has been completely satisfied.

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2. What is the ID number next to my name?

That number is your Judiciary Information Management System (JIMS) ID. The Judiciary uses this number to link your name with your case information.

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3. What is the docket?

The docket lists what has occurred in a case, including documents filed and actions taken in court.

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4. There are a lot of codes that say “TRAVIS.” What is TRAVIS?

TRAVIS is the name of the traffic case management system the Judiciary used until October 28, 2005. Because records from 1995 – 2005 were transferred from TRAVIS into JIMS, many records include TRAVIS codes and data.

TRAVIS codes refer to events (EVENT TYPE), sentencing (SENTENCE TYPE), case disposition or outcome (DISPOSITION), minutes of actions taken in court (MINUTES), fines, fees and other monetary assessments (FINANCIAL), bond information (BOND), cash register transactions (POSAL DETAIL TRANSACTIONS) and general comments entered by court staff (GENERIC).

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5. How do I know if information I find is about the person I’m looking for?

The person you are searching for may or may not be the person you find listed in eCourt Kokua. Using only the name search on eCourt Kokua does not guarantee a positive identification. You may want to verify the information found online against the actual court record using other information such as the driver’s license number, date of birth, etc.

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6. How current is the information online?

When records are updated, the changes appear immediately in eCourt Kokua. There is a processing time, however, between when a ticket is issued by a police officer and when court employees input the data into the system.

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7. I’m under 18 years of age. Is my traffic record available online?

No. Juvenile information is considered confidential and is not available online to the public. A request for a juvenile’s traffic abstract must be made at a state district courthouse by a parent or legal guardian. When juveniles become adults, they can request their own juvenile traffic abstracts.

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8. Is eCourt Kokua information considered an official traffic abstract?

No. eCourt Kokua provides information about a person’s traffic case record. A traffic abstract is a summary of information compiled from case records relating to a person’s alleged moving violations and any resulting convictions, as well as any administrative license revocations. To obtain a certified traffic abstract, you need to purchase it at a district courthouse.

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9. I don’t want my information on eCourt Kokua. How can I get it removed?

The Judiciary attempts to protect personal identifiers from becoming publicly available online by blocking out electronic data fields containing Social Security numbers, birth dates, home addresses and home telephone numbers. Online information located outside a blocked data field cannot be removed unless the actual court records are sealed by a court order. Parties to a case or their attorneys may ask the court that decided the case to seal or remove the information. Upon a proper motion, a judge will review a request to remove information and determine if the law authorizes, allows or requires the data to be removed from the public record.

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10. What can I do if there are mistakes in my online information?

Parties to a case or their attorneys may request corrections to the court record. Please submit your request to the court that decided your case and include any information or supporting documents that will assist the court in determining whether there is a mistake in the court record.

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