IFB J19060 — To Qualify, Process and Scan Juror Questionnaires for the Circuit Courts, The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
Solicitation #: IFB J19060
Date Posted: 6/1/2018
Due Date: 6/12/2018, 2:30 p.m. H.S.T.
Solicitation: To Qualify, Process and Scan Juror Questionnaires for the Circuit Courts, The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
Solicitation Packet (IFB J19060)
- General Conditions dated Feb. 2001
- Procedural Requirements dated May 2003
- Application of Tax Clearance
- Certificate of Compliance
- Standard of Conduct
- Discrimination Harassment Free Workplace Policy
- Hawaii Compliance Express
- Publication 1 Information on Hawaii State Taxes
Instructions to vendors:
View and print all documents; follow all instructions; and pay particular attention to the significant dates in the special provisions. If you intend to bid on this solicitation, please email Deepa.P.Sheehan@courts.hawaii.gov and provide the information requested in the IFB.