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Oral Arguments before the Intermediate Court of Appeals
NO. 29354 – Monday, September 22, 2008 – 10:00 a.m.
Argument on Motion*
STOP RAIL NOW, a nonprofit organization; LET HONOLULU VOTE, a nonprofit organization; LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF HONOLULU, a nonprofit organization; SENSIBLE TRAFFIC ALTERNATIVES & RESOURCES, INC., dba HONOLULUTRAFFIC.COM, a nonprofit organization; PAUL DE GRACIA; PAUL E. SMITH; ROBERT KESSLER, WARREN P. BERRY; JEREMY LAM, M.D.; SCOTT R. WILSON; DENNIS CALLAN; and SAMUEL SLOM, Petitioners-Plaintiffs-Appellants vs. DENISE C. DE COSTA, in her capacity as CITY CLERK OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU, Respondent-Defendant-Appellee.
Attorney for Petitioners-Plaintiffs-Appellants
Earle A. Partington
Attorney(s) for Respondent-Defendant-Appellee
Honorable Carrie K. Okinaga, Corporation Counsel, and Don S. Kitaoka, Deputy Corporation Counsel
COURT: Recktenwald, CJ; Watanabe and Leonard, JJ.
*Petitioners-Plaintiffs-Appellants’ Emergency Motion for Preliminary Injunction, filed 9/15/08.