Ho’ohiki Gets a Makeover
Posted on May 11, 2016 in Press Releases[NOTE: Hoʻohiki was retired April 24, 2022. Family Court Civil case information is available on eCourt Kokua.]
HONOLULU – The Hawaii State Judiciary has made upgrades to Ho’ohiki, a search engine that contains information about criminal and civil cases in Circuit and Family Courts as well as certain civil cases of the District Courts. The new and improved version of Ho’ohiki will go live this morning, May 11, 2016, at 7:45 a.m.
Hoohiki users that have the current site bookmarked, or saved as a favorite, will be automatically redirected to the new site at http://hoohiki.courts.hawaii.gov. You can also continue to access Ho’ohiki through the Judiciary’s homepage at www.courts.state.hi.us.
“This makeover is long overdue. The current Hoohiki site has been in place since it first launched in January 2000,” said Rodney Maile, Administrative Director of the Courts. “We wanted to find ways to build upon our existing search engine to make it easier for users to search and access court records. I’d like to thank our Information Technology Project Team and all those involved in making this happen.”
Some of the upgrades include: easier navigation, including the ability to use the “back” button; expanded search features, which enable the user to search names by entering a partial name; and print features, to make it more convenient to print out case information. It is also more compatible and responsive when searching for information using your smartphone or tablet.
Certified and complete court records are still available in paper form at each courthouse. For access to traffic cases, district court criminal and appellate cases, you may visit eCourt Kokua.
For more information, contact the Communications and Community Relations Office at 808-539-4909 or via email at pao@courts.hawaii.gov.
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