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Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.


Judiciary Electronic Filing and Service System (JEFS) Login Page

  • The Hawaii Supreme Court and the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals take electronic filings as of September 27, 2010.
  • The Hawaii State District Courts take electronic filings on criminal cases as of August 13, 2012.
  • The Hawaii State Circuit Court and Family (Adult) Courts take electronic filings on criminal cases as of January 23, 2017.

The following may register for electronic filing access:

  • individual Hawaii attorneys,
  • Hawaii law firms, and
  • any self-represented party with an active case in the Hawaii Supreme Court or the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals, or with an active criminal case in the District, Circuit or Family (Adult) Courts

A Hawaii attorney whose status is “active,” “active-government,” “active-emeritus,” or “active-judge” may register for electronic filing. However, attorneys admitted pro hac vice may not register for electronic filing and must file through registered-associated local counsel. Once registered, a user id and password will be emailed to you.

To file electronically or to register for e-filing use the “Register For Access” link from the Judiciary Electronic Filing and Service System (JEFS) login page. Click the JEFS Login and Self-Registration link if you need further details on how to self-register. Each firm is asked to designate an Organization Administrator. A JEFS userid and password will be sent immediately to your primary email address. The last step in this process is to contact your Organization Administration to ACCEPT your registration. Click JEFS Organization Administrator for more details.


It is the Parties’ Responsibility to Protect Personal Information
Litigants are reminded that pursuant to Rule 9 of the Hawaii Court Records Rules (HCRR Rule 9), it is the parties’ responsibility to protect personal information.

JEFS users can print documents on your active cases without cost
As a registered Judiciary Electronic Filing and Service System (JEFS) user, you may download or print documents in your active cases without cost from your “Manage Cases” screen. If you are not a JEFS user, please go to the eCourt Kokua page for information on accessing public documents.


  • Effective March 19, 2015, please click here for more information on My Documents and All Firm Documents in JEFS Manage Cases.
  • Effective July 1, 2016, a party requesting transcripts must serve the request on the court reporter and his or her supervisor. See Hawaii Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 10(b)(1)(A). The requestor shall demonstrate proof of service either by JEFS notice of electronic filing, or a separate certificate of service. Id. To serve the request through JEFS, the requestor must select from the drop down list the designated court reporter by name, and the appropriate supervising court reporter by circuit (e.g., Supervising Court Reporter 1st Circuit, Supervising Court Reporter 2nd Circuit, etc.).
  • Effective January 23, 2017, only documents filed on active or new cases will be accessible in pdf format to attorneys on the case or will be available for download and purchase online through eCourt Kokua. Circuit Court Criminal and Family Court (Adult) Criminal cases will no longer be available in Ho`ohiki.



 For Criminal Cases in the Circuit Courts and Family (Adult) Court

Please direct all efiling questions to the clerk’s office of your Circuit, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

First Circuit, Honolulu, 808-539-4300, select option 5, or email
Second Circuit, Maui, 808-244-2998, or email
Third Circuit, Hilo, 808-961-7470, or email 
Third Circuit, Kona, 808-322-8750, or email
Fifth Circuit, Kauai, 808-482-2673, or email

For Criminal Cases in the District Courts

Please direct all efiling questions to the clerk’s office of your Circuit, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

First Circuit, Honolulu, 808-538-5888, or email
Second Circuit, Maui, 808-244-2998, or email
Third Circuit, Hilo, 808-961-7470, or email 
Third Circuit, Kona, 808-322-8700, or email
Fifth Circuit, Kauai, 808-482-2673, or email

For the Hawaii Supreme Court or the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals

Please direct all efiling questions to the Supreme Court Clerks Office, 808-539-4789 or email, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

System Availability:

Mon to Sat – 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Hawaii Standard Time (HST)
Sunday – noon to 12:00 midnight, Hawaii Standard Time (HST)

ADVISORY: JEFS users should be aware that efiling queues may slow down prior to system shut down at 12:00 a.m. This may relate to efiling volume, network, and other technical variables outside of JEFS. This may occasionally cause the efiling submission to fail to complete. To avoid this problem, please give yourself enough time to address technical issues prior to filing deadlines.

Efiling Recommendations

Supported operating systems (OS):

  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Mac OS X or higher

Supported browsers:

(TLS 1.1 or higher required)

  • Chrome 40 or higher (44 or higher recommended)
  • Firefox 34 or higher (43 or higher recommended)
  • IE9 or higher (IE11 recommended)
  • Safari 9 or higher (OS X)

Supported PDF:

  • Adobe Reader 11 or higher
  • Adobe Acrobat 11 or higher