Intermittent phone problems at Circuit Court (Kaʻahumanu Hale) and Hale Hilinaʻi. Hawaiian Telcom working on resolution.
If you get a busy signal, call 808-538-5500.
eCourt Kokua Codes
The following codes are used in eCourt Kokua to record traffic case information.
A – C | D – F | G – I | J – L | M – O | P – R | S – U | V – W
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
AAT | Alcohol Assessment and Treatment |
ABC | Action by Court |
ACQ | Acquitted |
ACQB | Acquitted – Bench |
ADC | Administrative Fee Collection |
ADF | Administrative Fee Assessment |
ADV | Advance |
AEC | Alcohol Abuse Education and Counseling Program |
AFF | Affidavit Filed |
AFM | Affirmed |
AG | Attorney General |
AGT | Agent |
AMP | Anger Management Program |
AMS | Amended Sentence |
AP | Arraignment and Plea |
APN | Appellant |
APP | Appellee |
AQI | Acquitted – Irresponsibility |
AR | Administrative Review |
ARF | Arrest Report |
ATY | Attorney |
BA | Bailiff |
BAC | Bond – Amount Confirmed |
BAI | Bond – Amount Increased |
BAPF | Bond Applied by Fiscal |
BAPP | Bond Applied |
BAR | Bond – Amount Reduced |
BBF | Bail Bond Forfeited |
BBP | Bail Bond Posted |
BBS | Bail Bond Surrendered |
BCF | Bond – Cash Forfeited |
BCK | Bounced Check |
BCP | Bond – Cash Posted |
BCPA | Bond – Cash Posted Aggregate |
BCR | Bond – Cash Reinstated |
BCS | Bond – Cash Stayed |
BDA | Bail to Drug Assessment Fund |
BDDC | Bond Discharged (Non-Monetary) |
BDF | Bail Bond Forfeited |
BDFL | Bond Forfeited |
BDS | Bond – Discharge of Surety |
BF | Bail Forfeited |
BND | Bond Posted |
BPF | Bond – Property Forfeited |
BPP | Bond – Property Posted |
BREF | Bond Refunded |
BSF | Bond – Surety Forfeited |
BSPA | Bond – Surety Posted Aggregate |
BSR | Bond – Surety Reinstated |
BTA | Bail to Administrative Fee |
BTC | Bail to Criminal Compensation Fee |
BTD | Bail to Driver Education Fund |
BTF | Bail to Fine |
BTP | Bail to Probation Fee |
BTR | Bail to Restitution |
BTT | Bail to Court Cost |
BUS | Business |
BVAC | Bond Forfeiture Vacated |
BWA | Bench Warrant Cost Assessment (JIMS description)/Bench Warrant Advanced (TRAVIS description) |
BWAC | Bench Warrant – Additional Charge |
BWACT | Bench Warrant – Additional Charge Created |
BWM | Bench Warrant Move On |
BWO | Bench Warrant Ordered |
BWR | Bench Warrant Rescheduled |
BWRC | Bench Warrant Recalled |
BWS | Bench Warrant Served |
BWT | Bench Warrant Created |
BWU | Bench Warrant Returned Unserved |
C90 | Collection Agency in 90 Days |
C180 | Collection Agency in 180 Days |
CA | Court-Appointed Attorney |
CAMD | Complaint Amended |
C&R | Counseled and Released |
CAR | Collection Agency Returned |
CAS | Collection Agency Submitted |
CBF | Court Bail Forfeited |
CC | Closed Case with Judgment Satisfied |
CCC | Commitment to Circuit Court |
CCCT | Commitment to Circuit Court Created |
CDR | Counter Designation of Record |
CDSM | Case Dismissed |
CEVNT | Closed Event |
CFC | Commitment to Family Court |
CFF | Cleared Final Flag |
CFP | Criminal Injury Compensation Fee Paid |
CHD | Change of Court Date |
CHV | Change of Venue |
CIF | Criminal Injury Compensation Fee Assessment |
CLK | Court Clerk |
CLOSEDJ | Closed Case – Adjudicated |
CLOSEDS | Closed Case – Judgment Satisfied |
CM | Certified Mail |
CMP | Complaint |
CND | Condition |
CO | Court Officer |
COM | Comment |
COMD | Compliance Document |
CON | Case Continued |
CONP | Case Continued – P.M. Calendar |
COR | Correspondence |
CPR | Child Passenger Restraint Course |
CRI | Case Reinstated |
CSW | Community Service Work |
CT | Court |
CTC | Court Cost |
CTCA | Citation – Traffic Crime Arrest |
CUS | Custody |
D | Divorced |
DAC | Drug Assessment Collected |
DAF | $250 Drug Demand Reduction Fee (JIMS description)/Drug Demand Assessment Fund (TRAVIS description) |
DAG | Deferred Acceptance of Guilty Plea |
DCIV | Civil Complaint |
DCP | Drug Court Program |
DCRF | Criminal Felony Complaint |
DCRM | Criminal Misdemeanor Complaint |
DE | Driver Education Fund Assessment |
DFT | Defendant |
DH | Detention Home |
DJ | Default Judgment |
DMV | Department of Motor Vehicles |
DNC | Defer Acceptance of No Contest Plea |
DNP | Dismissed Upon Nolle Prosequi (prosecution no longer pursuing case) |
DO | Decision and Order |
DOC | Document |
DOH | Department of Health |
DP | Double Payment |
DPJ | Dismissed with Prejudice |
DPSIF | Pre-Sentence Investigation Filed |
DPSIO | Pre-Sentence Investigation |
DR | Designation of the Record |
DSC | Case Discharged |
DSM | Case Dismissed |
DTS | Driver Training School |
DUD | Days Unable to Drive |
DWO | Dismissed Without Prejudice |
EM | Electronic Monitoring |
ERR | Data Entry Error |
EXH | Exhibit |
EXJ | Execution of Judgment |
EXPM | Ex Parte (from one side only) Motion |
F1 | Murder in the First Degree |
F2 | Murder in the Second Degree |
FA | Felony Class A |
FB | Felony Class B |
FC | Felony Class C |
FFP | Filing Fee Paid |
FIN | Fine |
FM | Murder |
FNG | Found Not Guilty |
FOP | For Payment |
FP | Fine Paid in Full |
FS | Financial Satisfied |
FTA | Failed to Appear |
FWD | Fees Waived |
GLP | Guilty Plea Accepted Prior to Trial |
GLTB | Guilty – Bench Verdict |
GLTJ | Guilty – Jury Verdict |
HD | Hand Delivery |
HH | Hearing Held |
HM | Home |
HMT | Hearing on Motion |
HRG | Hearing |
HRO | Hearing Officer |
IFP | In Forma Pauperis (waiver of costs due to poverty) Filed |
IFPD | In Forma Pauperis (waiver of costs due to poverty) Denied |
IFPG | In Forma Pauperis (waiver of costs due to poverty) Granted |
IN | Infraction |
INT | Interpreter |
JAMD | Judgment Amended |
JATDN | Judgment After Trial De Novo (new trial) |
JCS | Judgment Completely Satisfied |
JDG | Presiding Judge |
JDPC | Judicial Determination of Probable Cause |
JFS | Judgment for State |
JJIS | Juvenile Justice Information System |
JL | Jail Sentence |
JNEJ | Judgment and Notice |
JOC | Judgment of Conviction |
JR | Judicial Review |
JS | Judgment Satisfied |
JTS | Judgment to Stand |
JUV | Juvenile |
JV | Judgment Vacated |
LC | Law Clerk |
LEO | Law Enforcement Officer |
LG | Legal Guardian |
LPR | License Plate Returned |
LPS | License Plate Surrendered |
LR | Driver’s License Revoked |
LS | Driver’s License Suspended |
LTRBC | Bounced Check Letter |
LTRC | Court Letter |
LTRP | Party Letter |
LTRUP | Underpayment Letter |
M | Married |
MA | |
MADV | Motion to Advance |
MC | Motorist Copy |
MCIS | Motion to Correct Illegal Sentence |
MCON | Motion to Continue |
MCS | Motion to Convert to Community Service |
MD | Misdemeanor |
MDS | Motion for Discharge of Surety |
MDSM | Motion to Dismiss |
MFIN | Motion to Convert to Fine |
MISC | Miscellaneous |
MJUD | Motion to Convert Judgment |
MMEN | Motion for Mental Evaluation |
MMOD | Motion to Modify Sentence |
MNT | Motion for New Trial |
MO | Case Move On |
MOSC | Motion for Order to Show Cause |
MOT | Motion |
MQSH | Motion to Quash |
MRBW | Motion to Recall Bench Warrant |
MRCS | Motion to Reconsider Sentence |
MRE | Motion to Return Evidence |
MRES | Motion for Restitution |
MRLS | Motion to Reconsider License Suspension |
MRP | Motion to Return Property |
MRPB | Motion to Revoke Probation |
MSCF | Motion to Set Aside Cash Forfeiture |
MSDJ | Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment |
MSDJD | Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment Denied |
MSDJG | Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment Granted |
MSGF | Motion to Convert State General Fund |
MSPF | Motion to Set Aside Property Forfeiture |
MSPJ | Motion to Set Aside Paid Judgment |
MSSF | Motion to Set Aside Surety Forfeiture |
MSUP | Motion to Suppress |
MTCD | Motion to Compel Discovery |
MTDN | Motion for a Trial De Novo (new trial) |
MXSN | Motion to Execute Sentence |
NA | Notice of Appeal |
NAA | Notice of Administrative Appeal |
NAM | Narcotics Anonymous Meeting |
NCIC | National Criminal Information Center |
NCO | Notice of Conflict with Order |
NCP | Nole Contendre (no contest) Plea Accepted |
NFA | No Further Action |
NFP | Neurotrauma Fund Paid |
NFS | No Further Sentence |
NJA | Notice and Judgment on Appeal |
NOA | No Action |
NOH | Notice of Hearing |
NOHTI | Notice of Hearing – Traffic Infraction |
NP | Nolle Prosequi (prosecution no longer pursuing case) |
NPI | Notice of Parking Infraction |
NTA | Notice to Appear |
NTF | Neurotrauma Fund |
NTI | Notice of Traffic Infraction |
OAMD | Order Amended |
OB | Opening Brief |
OBR | Order for Briefing |
OCC | Oral Contempt Charge |
OCHR | Oral Charge |
OGCR | Order Granting Conditional Release |
OIPE | Order of Inpatient Evaluation |
OJAC | Order of Judgment and Acquittal and Commitment |
OLC | Driver’s License Stopper Clearance |
OLCI | Driver’s License Stopper Clearance Issued |
OLS | Driver’s License Stopper |
OMEC | Order for Continued Mental Evaluation |
OMEN | Order for Mental Evaluation |
OMOT | Oral Motion |
ONEO | Order and Notice of Entry of Order |
OOCE | Order for Continuing Outpatient Mental Exam |
OOPE | Order for Outpatient Mental Exam |
OORD | Oral Order Motion Denied |
OORG | Oral Order Motion Granted |
OPB | Order Pertaining to Bail |
OPT | Outpatient Treatment |
ORD | Order |
ORDD | Order Denied |
ORDG | Order Granted |
ORLS | Order of Release from Hawai`i State Hospital |
OSC | Order to Show Cause |
OSCT | Order to Show Cause Created |
OSD | Order of Summary Disposition |
OSEL | Order Sealed and Confidential |
OSR | Order to Show Cause Rescheduled |
OT | Other |
OVJ | Order Vacating Judgment |
PA | Prosecuting Attorney |
PAR | Parent Reported |
PB | Publication |
PC | Probable Cause |
PCAW | Probable Cause to Issue Arrest Warrant |
PCSW | Probable Cause to Issue Search Warrant |
PD | Public Defender |
PET | Petitioner |
PF | Probation Fee Assessment |
PFA | Probation Services Assessment |
PFF | Probation Fee Full Payment |
PJR | Petition for Judicial Review |
PLT | Plaintiff |
PM | Petty Misdemeanor |
PMC | Post Motorist Copy |
PMP | Payment Plan |
POC | Proof of Compliance |
POL | Police Report |
PP | Partial Payment |
PPCR | Petition – Post Conviction Relief |
PRB | Probation |
PRC | Penal Summons Recalled |
PS | Penal Summons Cost Assessment |
PSF | Partially Suspended Fine |
PSJ | Penal Summons Issued by Judicial Services Office |
PSM | Penal Summons Move On |
PSO | Penal Summons Ordered |
PSP | Penal Summons Issued by Prosecution |
PSR | Penal Summons Rescheduled |
PSRC | Penal Summons Recalled |
PSS | Partially Suspended Sentence (JIMS sentence code)/Penal Summons Served (JIMS docket code) |
PST | Penal Summons Created |
PT | Posting Service |
PTC | Pretrial Conference |
PTH | Pretrial Hearing |
PUBL | Published Materials |
R | Reciprocal Beneficiaries |
RAC | Referred to Adult Client Services |
RB | Reply Brief |
RDE | Referred to Driver Education |
RES | Restitution |
REV | Reversed |
RFC | Referred to Family Court |
RFD | Refund |
RGA | Reimbursement to Government Agency |
RLB | Released to Bail/Bond |
RLC | Restricted License Cleared |
RLD | Restricted License Denied |
RLG | Restricted License Granted |
RLS | Restricted License Suspended |
RM | Regular Mail |
ROA | Return on Appeal |
ROR | Released on Own Recognizance |
RPCR | Response – Post Conviction Relief |
RPD | Referred to Public Defender |
RSVC | Return of Service |
RTA | Released to Appear |
RTP | Residential Treatment Program |
RTRL | Request for Trial/Trial De Novo (new trial) |
S | Single |
SA | Prior Disposition Set Aside |
SAA | Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment |
SAR | Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program |
SCH | School |
SCSE | Statement of the Case |
SDT | Subpoena Duces Tecum (order to produce documents) |
SELF | Self Reported |
SEN | Sentencing |
SFE | Service Fee |
SFF | Set Final Flag |
SGF | Contribution to State General Fund |
SPT | Set Points |
SR | Supervised Release |
SRT | Surety |
SS | Sentence Suspended |
STR | Stricken |
SUB | Subpoena Filed |
SUR | Surety |
TAD | Transfer to Another Division |
TC | Traffic Crime |
TDN | Trial De Novo (new trial) |
TI | Traffic Infraction |
TP | Traffic Parking |
TRL | Required for Trial |
TRLB | Bench Trial |
TRLJ | Jury Trial |
TRLS | Trial Setting |
TW | Traffic Waiver |
UP | Under Payment |
VI | Vehicle Impoundment |
VL | Violation |
VLC | Vehicle Registration Stopper Cleared |
VLCI | Vehicle Registration Clearance Issued |
VLS | Vehicle Registration Stopper |
VRS | Vehicle Registration Suspension |
VTP | Video Telephone Proceeding |
W | Widowed |
WAB | Waived Appearance Bond |
WAF | Waived Administrative Fee |
WBA | Waived Bench Warrant Cost Assessment |
WCF | Waived Criminal Injury Compensation Fee |
WCT | Waived Court Cost |
WDA | Waived Drug Assessment |
WDE | Waived Driver Education Fee |
WDF | Waived Drug Demand Reduction Fee |
WF | Waived Driver Education Fee |
WFA | Work Furlough Authorized |
WFF | Waived Filing Fee |
WIT | Witness |
WNT | Waived Neurotrama Fee |
WPA | Waived Penal Summons Cost Assessment |
WPF | Waived Probation Fee |
WS | Written Statement |
Waived Service Fee |