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Supreme Court Seeks Nominations and Applications for Board of Certified Shorthand Reporters

Posted on Nov 20, 2008 in Press Releases

The Supreme Court of Hawai`i is seeking nominations or applications for two unpaid positions on the Hawai`i Board of Certified Shorthand Reporters. The Board is composed of six members. Members serve staggered three-year terms.

The Board examines applicants for certification as Hawai`i certified shorthand reporters and proposes rules and regulations for testing, licensing, and supervision of certified shorthand reporters; for standards governing conduct of Hawai`i certified shorthand reporters; and for discipline, censure, suspension or revocation of certification.

The supreme court is seeking applications for two seats on the Board. One member selected must be “official,” i.e., a court-employed certified shorthand reporter, and the other member selected must be a “freelance,” i.e., not court employed certified shorthand reporter. Both terms begin January 14, 2009.

Applications or nominations must be submitted by December 19, 2008, to the Judiciary Public Affairs Office, by mail to 417 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813, by facsimile to 539-4801 or by email to

Applications or nominations must include, at minimum:

  1. A brief biography or resume of the applicant or nominee, including the applicant’s or nominee’s current employment.
  2. At least two references.
  3. If a nominee, the nominee’s agreement to be a nominee.

The names of all applicants or nominees will be made public in an announcement seeking comments about them. After comments are received, the supreme court will select the individuals to fill the vacancies.


Contact: Marsha Kitagawa, 539-4909

For more information, contact the Communications and Community Relations Office at 808-539-4909 or via email at

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