Hawaii Drug Court Presiding Judge Michael Wilson (far left) accepted 50 hygiene kits and crates of food from Glen Bailey of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset. The items will benefit Drug Court probationers who enter the HDC program directly from jail with little or no personal effects or means to obtain them. This was the second time the Rotarians have made such a donation.
On August 28, members of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset presented 50 hygiene kits and crates full of non-perishable food to the Hawaii Drug Court (HDC) program and the Friends of the HDC.
HDC Presiding Judge Michael Wilson, Friends of the HDC President Lowell Kalapa, and HDC Program Administrator Janice Bennett accepted the gifts on behalf of the program’s clients at a brief ceremony at Ka`ahumanu Hale.
Representing the Rotary Club were President John Meyers, Glen Bailey and his wife Loren, Jim and Beth Hoban, and Dean Agena.
The members of the Rotary Club of Honolulu Sunset donated the hygiene kits and food to drug court probationers who enter the HDC program directly from jail with little or no personal affects or means to obtain them.