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Oahu Veterans Treatment Court Celebrates Three More Graduates

Posted on Feb 13, 2020 in Featured News, News & Reports
A group of six people, three holding plaques.

From left: Probation Officer Cynthia Macey, Veterans Treatment Court Supervisor Jason DuPont, and First Circuit Court Judge Matthew J. Viola recognized the achievements of the Oahu Veterans Treatment Court’s three newest graduates at a ceremony.

Supporters and staff of the Oahu Veterans Treatment Court gathered for a ceremony honoring the program’s most recent graduates on February 7 at, Kaahumanu Hale.

Judge Matthew J. Viola led the graduation proceedings his first as presiding judge of the program. Attendees and special guests commended the three graduates for their hard work and success in the program.

Individuals selected to participate in Veterans Treatment Court are former military personnel who served our country, and later experienced adjustment difficulties. Many have mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder, and the majority struggle with substance abuse.

The Veterans Treatment Court takes a holistic approach to helping veterans by providing them with the resources and treatment they need to regain their health, obtain steady employment, and return to being law-abiding citizens so they may enjoy the freedoms they helped protect.

Forty-six participants have graduated from the program, which launched in 2013. Currently, there are 20 active clients and five pending acceptance into the program.

The Judiciary extends special thanks to the mentors who served in the armed forces, and now continue to serve our country by supporting participants through this intensive court treatment program.

For information about how you can help support the Oahu Veterans Treatment Court or serve as a mentor, call (808) 539-4083.