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30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference on Kauai

Posted on Oct 9, 2019 in Featured News, News & Reports


David Proudfoot, Amy Esaki, Sherman Shiraishi, Al Castillo, Kurt Bossard and Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe at Kauai’s 30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference at Kauai’s Puuhonua Kaulike Judiciary Complex, September 27, 2019.

From left, David Proudfoot, Amy Esaki, Sherman Shiraishi, Al Castillo, and Kurt Bossard were presented with Certificates of Appreciation by Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe (right) at Kauai’s 30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference. They were recognized for having worked pro bono on 20 or more arbitration cases since the establishment of Kauai’s CAAP Program in November 1987.

Thirty Fifth Circuit (Kauai) arbitrators participated in the 30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference at Kauai’s Puuhonua Kaulike Judiciary Complex on September 27, 2019. The event was sponsored by the Pacific Law Institute, on behalf of, and in cooperation with, the Hawaii State Judiciary for all CAAP arbitrators.

Discussion / training facilitators Bob Toyofuku, Kauai Deputy Attorney General Russell Goo, Second Circuit Court Judge Peter Cahill and Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe at Kauai’s 30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference, September 27, 2019.

Discussion / training facilitators (from left) Bob Toyofuku, Kauai Deputy Attorney General Russell Goo, and Second Circuit Court Judge Peter Cahill were introduced by Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe (right).

Four new arbitrators were sworn in by Fifth Circuit Court Judge Kathleen Watanabe.

Mahealani Krafft, Mia Shiraishi, Michael Scarbo and Jared Brickey with Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe at Kauai’s 30th Annual Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) Conference, September 27, 2019.

From left, new CAAP Arbitrators Mahealani Krafft, Mia Shiraishi, Michael Scarbo and Jared Brickey were sworn in by Fifth Circuit Court Arbitration Judge Kathleen Watanabe.

Thereafter, attendees received training on recent developments in tort law created by legislative action or appellate opinions in the areas of auto, premises liability and insurance law, along with explanations of how these developments may impact the role of CAAP arbitrators. Additional training involved evaluations of cases and discussion of the factors to be considered in making an award.

Judge Watanabe presented certificates of appreciation to CAAP Arbitrators who have taken pro bono (without charge) 20 or more arbitration cases since the establishment of Kauai’s CAAP Program in November 1987. The recipients (and their total pro bono cases) were:

Michael Belles (27), Kurt Bossard (29), Nancy Budd (30), Al Castillo (22), Ted Chihara (24), Patrick Childs (27), Daryl Dobashi (24), Amy Esaki (25), Robert Grinpas (22), Ryan Jimenez (23), Lorna Nishimitsu, (21), Warren Perry (24), David Proudfoot (27), Sherman Shiraishi (20), and Donald Wilson (22).

Hawaii’s State courts strive to offer services that enable parties to reach a resolution to disputes on their own. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) helps parties avoid the cost of litigating in court, can result in quicker resolution to cases, and helps to preserve relationships. Mediation, arbitration, facilitation, and coaching provide alternatives to litigation.

For more information on the Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) process visit the Judiciary’s web site at:

Dispute Resolution Procedures