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First Circuit 2018 Law Day Art Contest Winners Announced

Posted on May 23, 2018 in Featured News, News & Reports, Uncategorized
Photograph of St. Anthony School third graders who won the First Circuit 2018 Law Day Art Contest.

It was a clean sweep for St. Anthony School as third graders took first, second, and third place in the First Circuit 2018 Law Day Art Contest Second-Third grade category. Chief Judge R. Mark Browning presented certificates and medals to, left, Cayla Lynne Flood (first place), Jason Rone Borres (second place), and Ginopaulo Bernardo (third place). Also pictured is their proud teacher Corazon Aczon.


Third grader Cayla Lynne Flood of St. Anthony School and fifth grader Brooke Jones of St. Andrew’s Schools were the top winners in the 2018 First Circuit Law Day Art Contest held in May.

This year, participating students studied the Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom, a theme that focused on the United States Constitution’s principle of checks and balances. Students demonstrated their creativity and artistic ability in illustrating the theme with their posters. First Circuit judges evaluated entries based on the student’s interpretation of the theme, their originality and creativity, and the visual impact of their artwork.

All the winners received a Law Day certificate, Law Day medal, and will have their artwork displayed at a courthouse on Oahu. First place winners also won a pizza party for their class.

The winners:

Second-Third Grade
 First Place: Cayla Lynne Flood, third grade, St. Anthony School – Kalihi
 Second Place: Jason Rone Borres, third grade, St. Anthony School – Kalihi
 Third Place: Ginopaulo Bernardo, third Grade, St. Anthony School – Kalihi

Fourth-Fifth Grade
 First Place: Brooke Jones, fifth grade, St. Andrew’s Schools
 Second Place: Juliana Shi, fifth grade, St. Andrew’s Schools
 Third Place: Kellsey Cabuhat, fourth grade, St. John the Baptist Catholic School


2018 First Circuit Law Day Art contest winner, Brooke Jones (first place). in Fourth-Fifth grade category is pictured here with Chief Judge R. Mark Browning.

St. Andrew’s School’s winners in the 2018 First Circuit Law Day Art contest Fourth-Fifth grade category are pictured here with Chief Judge R. Mark Browning. Above, Brooke Jones (first place) and below, Juliana Shi (second place).

2018 First Circuit Law Day Art contest winner in the Fourth-Fifth grade category, Juliana Shi (second place) of  St. Andrew's School, is pictured here with Chief Judge R. Mark Browning.


A picture of one of the winners of the First Circuit Court's 2018 Poster Contest from St. John the Baptist Catholic Schoos

First Circuit Court Chief Court Administrator Lori Okita (right) visited St. John the Baptist Catholic School to congratulate Kellsey Cabuhat, the third place winner in the Fourth-Fifth grade category. Kellsey’s happy teacher, Chantal Daugherty, is also pictured.